18. Burning 1/2

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Apo couldn't stop thinking about Owen. Yeah, they'd been hurt by the human, but... there was lava rising underground. Berry had burned to death because Apo abandoned her. They felt responsible for that. Guilt rose from their stomach and burned their throat like it was the lava. Apo couldn't think of anyone who was talking about moving Owen or what to do about it. Did anyone even know about the lava? Apo needed to do something. Even if they weren't friends, it was the right thing to do.

Apo would tell everyone about the lava. First, though, they needed to do something to help Owen. The sooner the better. Now.

Apo wasn't fully aware that their feet had taken them to the farm. They harvested as much as they could, stuffing their backpack almost full. Next. Water. Owen would need water. The heat would be unbearable, but Apo didn't know what to do about that. There was no ice in the clearing- at least not anymore.

Apo mechanically purified water over and over. The sky purpled and darkened as they found a rhythm. Then they filled the backpack and slung it over their shoulders, heavy with supplies. It would be good to bring food and water to Owen. It would make them a good person. It would be a good thing to do.

Apo glided to Guts' place as quietly as they could, but they didn't need to worry. The clearing was oddly silent, devoid of people. Where was everyone? Apo slipped into Guts' house without knocking, only calling Guts' name quietly. Guts was out. Apo quickly searched through the cabinets and drawers. And there, in the back of one of the cabinets, was a key. It had a purple strip of fabric attached. Apo grabbed it and hurried to the trapdoor.

"You can do this," Apo coached himself. "This is the right thing to do. This is a good and right thing. It makes me a good person. It has nothing to do with him. It doesn't matter what he thinks. It's about my choice to be good."

Apo took a deep breath and descended.

Owen Changes His MindWhere stories live. Discover now