14. Ayngel's Resolve 3/3

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Early the next morning, Ayngel, Krow, and Rasbi set out looking for Apo. Ayngel held back hoping that Rasbi would take point, but it was Krow who led the way.

In the maze, they ran into Red, running alone. Ayngel and Krow managed to convince Red to join them. Red led the group through the jungle section, then turned. "This is a lot of people. I'm not sure I feel comfortable with this many people knowing where Apo's hidey hole is." So Ayngel, Krow, and Rasbi held back while Red continued forward. Not long after, Red returned alone. "They're not there," Red reported.

"Let's go to where I saw them last," Ayngel suggested, and led the way back to the clearing.

In the end, Apo found them because Red was calling Apo's name. They called out to Red from behind the group, surprising everyone.

Ayngel and Rasbi turned and started forward together, converging on Apo. "Stay back!" They warned, brandishing a knife in Ayngel's direction. Krow casually sauntered forward to stand right next to Ayngel.

"Apo, it's me," Red said, his voice thick with emotion. "Can I come closer?"

Everyone paused while Apo considered. "Sure Red," he intoned, "but be careful. I don't trust Ayngel."

"We're friends," Rasbi spoke up, her hands in front of her. "Right Apo? You and me. I listened to what you said. You were right," Rasbi grimaced. She shook her head. "You were right about Owen. And about me. I won't stoop to his level. I don't deserve to be a killer."

Krow scoffed, but Apo and Rasbi only looked at each other, silently communicating in the way close friends or siblings sometimes do. Apo nodded. Rasbi thought she saw a hint of a smile, but it was fleeting. "We're here to bring you back."

"And to apologize," Ayngel hastily added. "I didn't believe you and I should have. I didn't know."

Another tense silence stretched between them, with Ayngel and Krow on one side, then Rasbi, then Red, and Apo.

"Last time we spoke, you said you hate me and want me to die, Ayngel," Apo intoned without expression.

"I'm sorry!" She cried. "I thought- I thought that you'd lied, that you'd somehow convinced everyone in the clearing that Owen was a killer when he wasn't, but I know the truth now." Ayngel fidgeted. "Krow told me. And Rasbi. I'm sorry, Apo. I was wrong."

Red jumped in. "Damn right you were! Come on Apo, don't let Ayngel boss you around. Let's go home."

Apo felt their whole world shift as they turned to look at Red. Let's go home, they thought. Let's. Home. Did they trust Red? It was difficult. They'd trusted Owen. No, they'd trusted Maze Owen. They still would trust maze Owen, if he existed. Apo chose to trust Red with his life. "Yeah," Apo said aloud. "Let's go home, Red."

When Ayngel turned to lead the way, Apo was glad she'd turned her back to them. It made them feel safer.

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