12. Rasbi's Revenge 1/3

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Author's Note: Chapter 12 is all one scene. Unlike chapter 8, there are natural pauses in the scene, so that is how it will be split and uploaded here.

Apo stared up at the new gate to the dark maze. When had this opened? Who had gone in? What was it like?

"Don't go in there," Apo heard a familiar voice say. They didn't have to look to know Rasbi's voice, even after all their time away. "Even though I'm mad at you right now, I still don't want you to die." Well, that was new.

Apo did turn and look at her. "Then come with me," they challenged, still angry that Owen had changed so completely. Rasbi shifted, giving them a flat look. Apo felt they had to respond. "I don't see anyone else trying to get out of here."

Rasbi scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Fine. But we go tomorrow morning. It's dark, so take a lantern. Keep it in your left hand. And if you're curious, Kyle's gone. He disappeared in there two days ago."

"Kyle?" Apo asked, confused. "Who- oh yeah. The new leader. Well that's just great. Do we even have any leaders anymore?" They counted them off on their fingers. "Red stepped down and is trying to step up but it isn't working. Graecie was sick-"

"In a coma," Rasbi interrupted.

"-in a coma for a long time so she's trying not to do anything, I haven't been a leader since Squidney got back, and, and," Apo faltered.

"Go on," Rasbi glared, taking a step closer to Apo. Rasbi was two inches shorter than Apo, but they felt shorter in the moment. "Say his name, Apo. Say that traitor's name. I dare you."

Apo hesitated. They drew themself up. "He was your friend too, you know," Apo reminded her, folding their arms. "He was different before. He can be again. If everyone would just, if you would just give him a chance-"

"Give him a chance!?" Rasbi laughed. "Give him a chance. Sure. Right. Like he gave my sister a chance."

"He killed my family too!" Apo burst out. They weren't aware they were screaming to match Rasbi's volume. "He still doesn't even remember it, I was so inconsequential to him. But he's different! Maze Owen is different, if only he could choose that! Can't you see!?"

"No Apo, I don't think you can see. The cat is out of the bag. The chicken has flown the coop. He has his memory, and so do I, and there's nothing anyone can do short of taking our memory again that will change that. Nothing any of us can do, anyway," she finished, glancing up at the walls.

Apo turned away from Rasbi, making a sound of frustration. They turned back around. "What if I show him he can change. What if I explain it, using real simple words."

"Change or die," Rasbi nodded.

"Change or-" Apo gulped. "Or die. Okay," they nodded back to her without meaning to.

Rasbi scoffed. "Do you really think that would work, Apo? With the man who tried to kill you twice? Who I saved you from?" Apo's face looked like a lost child. Rasbi sneered. "The man who murdered your family?"

Rasbi watched Apo deflate. She watched their shoulders bunch in tension. "He still has a chance. As long as he's alive, he has a chance."

"Which you won't be for long, if you keep this up."

"Are you threatening me?" Apo reared back, offended.

Rasbi matched his tone. "Are you!? Listen Apo, that human killed your family, my sister, and countless other demons. He's tried to kill you more than once. At some point, he is going to succeed! Unless we kill him first!"

Apo paused a moment before speaking. "...No."

"No!?!?" Rasbi threw her hands wide, rocking back on one heel.

Apo shook his head. "I won't go to that level. I want to be better than that."

Rasbi leaned forward into Apo's space. "Why not, Apo?" Rasbi snapped, biting off each word like cracking bones.

Apo wasn't looking at Rasbi. They were seeing some kind of ideal world- one in which everyone was good. "I want to do better. It really sounds like your sister had the right idea, Rasbi. She'd be sad to see you like this."

Rasbi saw red. How dare Apo try to use her sister against her. "Well then tell me, oh wizened one, what would you do if Owen was killing me."

Apo finally focused on Rasbi's expression. They grimaced at her fury, then shrugged. "I'd do what you did for me. I'd defend you."

"Is that something you're capable of?" Rasbi bit out.

"I hope so, Rasbi. If we're going to get out of here, we need to be plenty capable." The two stared at each other for a moment. Then, "Who is that? Oh god, is that Red? He's so weird. Hi, Red," Apo called, waving.

"Don't wave," Rasbi muttered, elbowing them.

"It would be weirder if I didn't," Apo murmured out of the side of their mouth. Red disappeared into the trees.

"Let's go," Rasbi said.

"Yeah," Apo agreed, "this way." They led the way into the trees.

As the two snuck away, they heard Red say, "Are you two going into the dark maze? Oh. There's no one here. Where'd they go?"

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