11. Denial, Anger 1/3

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Author's Note: We're going back in time. Come with me to the last moment Owen and Apo shared together, all the way back in chapter 7. We'll follow Apo this time. How has he been coping? Why hasn't he visited??


"What did you want, Apo?" Owen snapped. He looked tense.

Apo stammered. "O-Owen, I just w-"

"O-O-Owen," Owen mocked. Apo fell silent. "What?" Owen snarled. "Come to rub it in? What do you want me to say, I lost? Well congratulations Apo, you've won." Owen turned his head abruptly away. It felt like a dismissal.

Apo struggled to understand where Owen might be coming from. Did he think Apo had come to gloat? Maybe reassuring him would work. Yeah, remind him that he's a friend. "I care about my friends, Owen," Apo replied dryly.

"We're not friends," Owen hissed through his teeth. Apo rocked back as if he'd been speared through the heart.

Owen glared up at Apo from the floor of the cell. Apo tried not to react. "Thanks for making that clear," he muttered, and fled.

Owen Changes His MindWhere stories live. Discover now