12. Rasbi's Revenge 2/3

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Author's Note: Chapter 12 is all one scene. Unlike chapter 8, there are natural pauses in the scene, so that is how it will be split and uploaded here.

The two fought down manic giggles as they ran through the trees, climbed branches, and started tree hopping. Rasbi watched Apo through her peripheral vision. She wondered if she could trust them. "Do you even know where you're going?" she asked.

Apo realized they'd been wandering aimlessly and had no idea where they were going. "No," they admitted, "I don't know where anything is. So much has changed."

Rasbi made a noncommittal noise. She stopped running. Apo ran past her before turning and crouching next to her. "Apo," she started, and paused. They didn't interrupt her. "Can I trust you?"

"Uh, yeah, sure," Apo said, trying to smile but grimacing instead. They remembered betraying a friend's trust before.

"I mean, if I show you a secret, you can't talk about it, but especially not to Owen." Rasbi shifted nervously from foot to foot. "You're actually super weird about him."

Apo laughed. "I'm super weird about him? You're the one who wants to kill him."

"No, noo," Rasbi said without thinking, and then, "Yeah. I will. I will kill him."

Both half demons got serious and faced each other. "Rasbi, I won't tell Owen about your secret. But I will stop you from killing him. He deserves a second chance. Maze Owen deserves a second chance."

"Apo, I'll give it some time. But if he hurts you, or any demon, there will be no stopping me. Even if you do know my secrets." Rasbi stuck out her hand. "Deal?"

Apo looked at her outstretched hand, considered what she had said, and shook on it. "It's a deal." But even as they shook on it, Apo wasn't sure they could follow through. They didn't relish the thought of visiting someone who didn't consider them a friend, or even a person. What if Owen never changed back? Apo's stomach dropped, and they started to feel sick.

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