15. Moving On 1/2

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Tw: suicidal thoughts

Owen was trying to think of rhymes when Guts arrived. He was up to three verses that were quite good, but the words fled when he saw them. He stopped pacing to watch them walk down the hall.

"Hi~," Guts called, as if Owen was just a passing neighbor on the surface. They smiled what looked like a genuine smile. "How are you?"

Owen's face went blank. What did they want? He didn't trust them.

"I have some news," Guts continued, absolutely beaming. "Everyone's forgotten you. You're never getting out. But it's okay. I'll take good care of you." They tilted their head and smiled at Owen.

Owen felt sick. Foreboding crawled over his skin. "Ayngel visited me just yesterday," Owen reminded Guts. They kept smiling, tilting their head the other way. He'd failed the test with Ayngel. How? He'd been as genuine as it was possible to be.

"Ayngel told me about that," Guts grinned. "And about how she ran Apo off into the maze. Now that Apo's gone again, no one in the clearing cares about you." Guts twirled their hands in a little flourish, producing some raw fish. "Except. Me."

Owen hated how his mouth watered, looking at the fish. His eyes were drawn to it. It had been so long since he'd eaten any kind of meat. Owen felt weak all the time, surviving on fruit. He'd finally had to eat the last piece of cheesecake.

"I brought you a treat," Guts laughed, low and soft and guttural. "Do you want it?"

They moved the fish and watched as Owen's eyes followed it at first, then flicked to stare directly into Guts' eyes. "What happened to Apo?" Owen wheezed as if he'd never spoken before.

"Aw. You're no fun," they cajoled gently, carelessly tossing the raw fish to the cell floor. Owen resisted it, for now. "He's in the maze. I'm guessing he never wanted to come back at all." Guts thought for a moment, then added, "you know, I wouldn't be surprised if Apo just doesn't want to be near you. After all, you've tried to kill him how many times now?"

Owen blanched. "I," he said reflexively, but nothing else came out.

"Anyway, have fun with that fish! I'll visit later, okay?" Guts waved like they were a kid leaving their friend's house, turned on their heel, and practically bounced away.

It was several moments before Owen could speak again. "What?" He said aloud, to no one. Ayngel had ran Apo off. Ayngel had been genuine. Ayngel's offer had been genuine. And Ayngel had run off someone responsible for saving Owen's life. Owen wanted to die.

Well, he reflected, now that Apo wasn't here anymore, now would be his chance. Owen scooped the fish off the floor, washed it off with some precious water, and started to eat it. They could have cooked it first, Owen thought bitterly. No, he told himself, be grateful. At least Guts had taken the skin off before bringing it down here.

Owen didn't want to die. He sat on the bed and wrote in his book. "Dear Apo." Owen erased it. He stared at the blank page. "Apo," Owen tried again. He erased it. "Thank you for saving my life," he wrote. "Thanks for nothing. My life is torture. I'm useless." He erased the whole page. "Apo," Owen wrote. "Please come back. I'll change. I've changed." Then Owen prayed for it to be true.

Owen closed the book, tucked it away, and ate the rest of the fish. The tears he didn't notice coursing down his face salted it as he ate it. He was alone. He was alone and it was his own fault. Apo wasn't coming back.

 Apo wasn't coming back

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