19. Long Night 4/5

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"Well that's what I'm saying," Soup said, "I think Bek's sword is the only thing that can keep the monsters away. I can't think of a potion I can make that would repel them. Maybe a few that would give them indigestion," Soup finished with a snort.

"Oh," Bek said, her voice strangled. "I could perhaps let somebody else use the sword-"

Soup interjected again, "No, Beks, you found it and it's yours. I'm not even sure it would work for anyone else."

Graecie nodded. "Soup is right, Bek. If-"

"Graecie! Lava! Graecie! Graecie!!!" Magic's faraway voice cut off Graecie's words, getting closer and louder with every moment. It was clear she was screaming herself hoarse.

"Magic?" Graecie got up and turned around, trying to pinpoint which direction Magic was coming from.

Magic tore into the room sobbing from fear. "Graecie there's lava, there's a lot of lava and it's coming up and the rock sank and it came up and I jumped and it's coming up it's coming," Magic sobbed.

Graecie immediately pulled Magic into a hug, petting her hair and murmuring to her. "It's okay, it will be okay, what's going on?" Graecie murmured under her breath, hoping that it would be.

Kyle came in wheezing and out of breath. Red arrived breathing hard on Kyle's heels. As Acho arrived, Kyle caught enough breath to ask, "Great, we found Graecie. Now what is going on!?"

"That's a lot of people," Bek observed, moving to a back corner. Soup followed her.

Red pushed forward. "Yeah, I'd like to hear this too."

Graecie stepped back from the group, pulling Magic with her. "Give her some space! Magic, you found me. What's going on?"

Magic caught her breath and looked up at Graecie, who was holding her shoulders. "There's, there's lava in the mines Graecie, it's coming up from under."

Ayngel blanched. "Lava!?"

Guts looked calculating. "It's in the mines? Is it only in the mines?"

Graecie frowned slightly at Magic. "Are you sure?" she said carefully, squeezing Magic a little.

"Yes!" Magic cried, pulling away. "I was standing on a stone, and then lava started to come up around the edges, so I jumped away," Magic said, demonstrating.

"It's coming up everywhere, not just in the mines," Apo confirmed, surprising most of them.

Kyle, unsurprised, turned to Apo. "How do you know?" he asked.

Red jumped in excitement. "Apo! Where have you been?"

Magic continued to panic. "Everywhere!" She said, "Graecie!"

"Where did you come from!?" Acho added.

"The prison," Apo said to Acho.

Graecie looked at Magic. "Okay, okay, alright. We need to leave," she declared.

"The prison!" Guts repeated.

Ayngel took a step forward, eyes wide. "What do you mean, leave!?"

Red took a step back. "Oh, I'm ready. I just gotta get some stuff."

"Oh, I need to get my supplies," Soup added from the corner Bek had chosen.

Apo looked around at all the panicked faces. "What about Owen? The prison felt really hot. Like lava is about to-"

Guts took another step back, "Oh no, I have to go-"

Red turned around to stare at Apo. "Wait, what!? I don't want to have Owen at my back. I can't trust him."

Ayngel glanced between Graecie, Red, and Apo, torn.

Graecie looked around, taking note of the panic in everyone's eyes. "Is this everyone?"

"Krow!!!" Ayngel interjected.

"Owen," Apo repeated.

"Rasbi," Red said.

"Uhm, Spidey?" Magic said.

Kyle frowned. "Who's Spidey?"

Graecie frowned. "Never mind. I'll get Spidey. Scatter, go get any supplies we need, and meet at the fire pit in front of the dark maze!"

"Maggie?" Bek added.

Guts stopped at the door and turned back to Bek. "She's gone," was all they said before stepping through. Ayngel followed her.

Soup stepped forward. "Not Owen!" She called after Guts.

"Gone!?" Bek spluttered. "What do you mean gone?"

"She had a terminal illness," Soup whispered to Bek. "She went into the maze to die a few weeks ago." Bek's eyes widened. She was speechless.

Magic tugged on Graecie's sleeve as she moved. "I'll go with you. Just in case."

"Why not!?" Apo exploded. "Why not Owen? He'll die!"

Bek moved between Apo and Soup. Kyle took Acho's hand and left, muttering something about supplies.

Soup looked directly at Apo. "Red was right, Apo. I don't trust him at our backs. Especially with you, Rasbi, and Krow." She turned to Bek, "Come on, let's get my potions and supplies."

Bek followed with a quick "Okay."

Apo gaped. "W-wait, but!"

Magic followed Graecie out, but Graecie came back in a moment later.

Red interjected. "Apo, come on, let's look for Rasbi."

Graecie saw Apo's expression and sighed. "Apo, I'll visit Owen. But realistically, we just can't trust him. He's made multiple attempts on your life. You're an amazing friend, still believing in him after everything. But we just can't risk it." Graecie waited for a response, but Apo only stared in shock. Graecie backed away, took Magic's hand, and headed off to Spidey's house.

Red turned to Apo. "Come on, Rasbi needs us to find her." He took Apo's elbow.

Apo pulled away. "Rasbi... yeah," he intoned. Apo took another step back.

"Apo?" Red asked.

Apo looked at Red. "You know what, Red? You go ahead. Look in the treetops in the corner. Her house is there. I'll... I'll follow you. I have some supplies I need to pick up."

Red stared at Apo for a few moments. Then he murmured, "Alright Apo," ducked his head, and hurried away. As Red left through the door, Apo heard him say to himself, "I thought Apo and Rasbi were friends."

Apo was alone in the house. He took a bolstering breath and headed for the jail. The sky lightened. It was almost sunrise.

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