13. Depression 2/3

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Red worried as he headed home. He didn't like to admit it out loud, but the whole situation with Owen and all the demons had him itching to take his mask off and show them. He wanted more than ever to belong. The trouble was, as always, people ignoring and avoiding him.

The only difference was that this time, he was worried about someone else, too. Apo, Guts, and Rasbi. Red knew Krow could take care of itself. Red was worried about Rasbi and Owen killing each other, and Apo and Guts being caught in the crossfire. After all, Apo took a knife meant for Owen, and Rasbi had intimidated Guts by sheer force of will into leaving Owen unguarded and unfed for about a week. And Apo was not okay recently. More than normal. Red hadn't even been able to find Apo to talk to him in a while, even though they shared a house.

Speaking of said house, Red opened his front door. "Home sweet home!" He called, filling the empty space. Red flicked on the lights and started humming on his way up the stairs. Then he backed up. There was a couch in his lobby. And on the couch was a demon wrapped in a blanket, staring listlessly across the room.

"Uh. Apo?" Red asked, crossing the room. There was no response. "Oh, this can't be good," Red continued. "Apo, buddy, are you alright? You good? You got a need for anything I can bring ya?" Red watched as Apo blinked slowly and looked away. "Ohh buddy. Oh man. Okay. Alright. Let's get you up, come on," Red pushed and pulled Apo up off the couch.

Apo's complaint of "No, Red come on, I'm fine here," fell on deaf ears. Apo wasn't quite sure how it happened, but one moment he was staring miserably across the foyer trying to sleep, and the next he was staring miserably at his friend's worried face, offering him weird food, armor, weapons, and gold. "N-no, I don't want-" Red seemed to be moving faster than normal, or maybe Apo was in slow motion.

Apo stopped speaking and just stared. Had Owen ever offered him armor? Yes, once. And bow lessons. And food. And he'd listened, a lot, in a place where listening was a precious commodity. Was Apo listening to Red? Apo stared at Red as his voice faded in and out. Interesting.

Apo noted that he felt detached. "He won't change," he nearly whispered, but Red was leaning in to catch the words. "He doesn't want to." Why would he? Apo would never be enough for Owen to want to change. "And I'm done waiting. Just let me sleep, Red. I'm so, so tired."

Red's eyes widened. Was Apo talking about Owen? Who was he kidding, Apo was always talking about Owen. But he had never once admitted to anything even suggesting Owen wouldn't change. What happened? What had Owen done to make Apo react in this way? "Want me to kill him? I'll kill him."

Apo heard Red. It panicked him. Red kill Owen? The world sped up as his heart rate sped up. "No," he gasped like a fish out of water. "No please, Red, don't. I knew before and I forgave him, hoping he'd- that he would choose to be my friend, instead of my family's murderer. He's forgiven. But he won't..." And then Apo's energy was gone. He hadn't eaten since this morning with Rasbi, and now it was evening, and Apo was slumped over Red's shoulder without enough energy to even cry. He didn't want food. He didn't want anything. Just leave me alone, he thought. "I'm so tired. Everything I've done was for nothing. Just let me sleep," he said.

Red twitched, taken aback. How had Owen done it? How had he convinced Apo that even now, he didn't deserve death for what he'd done, what he'd threatened to do? "Can I ask you one question?" He asked, slowly leading Apo to the temporary bed they'd set up for him. Red felt Apo nod. "Why do you care what happens to Owen? It's not like he cares about you. What's he ever done to show he cares about you, huh?" I care about you, Red didn't say. He wanted that kind of loyalty. He craved it.

They reached the bed and for a moment, Red thought Apo had fallen asleep standing up. Then Apo said, "I don't know. I just do. I don't know why." As Red helped Apo into bed, he resolved to visit Owen. He wanted to see what this loyalty was about.

"Don't worry," he assured Apo, who was already almost asleep. "I'll make sure he's okay. Not that he deserves it." Red walked across the room before adding, "I'm not checking on him for him. I'm doing it for you, Apo. You're my best friend." 


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