17. Despair 2/2

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TW: implied suicidal thoughts

Apo watched Rasbi leave the prison and Guts follow her. He didn't think they locked the door down into the prison, only the cell door. That was fine. He didn't need to open the cell door. He only needed to see. Apo slipped inside.

Apo crouched at the end of the hallway for a long time. The voices above faded, and it was just Owen and Apo. Owen's attention looked to be captivated by a wine bottle. Apo grimaced, but didn't move.

"We're not friends," Apo reminded himself. Then Owen noticed him. Apo felt Owen's eyes on him like fire. Apo watched Owen go to the bars of his cell like a fire following the fuel. He watched Owen call out and wave, then slowly droop as Apo made no move towards him. Apo tried to take a step forward. He felt his face twisting in pain, remembering all the grief he'd felt up to this point. Everything he'd felt in the clearing, and in the maze, and in the cell himself before this point. We aren't friends, said Owen's voice in Apo's mind. We're through.

"Owen," Apo said, clutching the ladder for support, "I trusted you."

He couldn't bring himself to get any closer. Apo tried not to see Owen reach out, then slowly slip down to the floor below the barred window. "I guess this is goodbye." Apo wiped his face, then started up the ladder.

" Apo wiped his face, then started up the ladder

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