19. Long Night 3/5

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Ayngel and Guts were pacing a length of road, arguing about Owen.

"He deserves a second chance, Guts!" Ayngel cried.

Guts grimaced at Ayngel. "No matter how sorry he is, he still did it. He tried to kill Apo and me, multiple times. He deserves-"

"Graecie! Graecie!" Magic screamed, running between them. "There's lava, it's coming up!" Then she was past them in a blue blur.

"What?" Guts laughed, but Ayngel saw Kyle, Acho, and Red running after.

"What's happening?" Ayngel yelled at anyone who would answer.

Acho paused and turned. "I don't know," they yelled back. "Magic won't calm down long enough to say. Come on, we have to find Graecie to find out." Then they turned and ran after Kyle and Red.

Ayngel looked at Guts, shrugged, and ran. Guts sighed and trotted after, keeping up easily with their longer stride.

Owen Changes His MindWhere stories live. Discover now