3. Danger 1/4

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Apo's shout echoed through Leo's mind. He kills demons, Krow! He kills demons-

"Well that's not very good," Red observed, looking at Apo's crumpled form.

Guts huddled between Krow and Red. "Should I be scared?"

"He killed... demons?" Krow scoffed, then glanced between Guts and Apo, as if assessing them.

How can I keep them safe? Leo thought, despair creeping in.

"Well now we know this, what are we gonna do about it?" Red asked, always thinking ahead.

"I think we should-"

Krow burst into laughter. "I'm not scared of some puny human!"

Then Graecie burst in. "Come quick! I think Rasbi is going to try to kill Owen," she gasped, terrified.

"WHAT? Oh, this'll be good," Krow crowed.

"Wait, we need to-" Leo broke off as Krow took off, and Guts ran after it. Everything was all happening so fast. Why was Graecie bleeding!?

"Come on," Red sighed as Graecie fretted.

"Yeah, let's go," Leo agreed, picking up Apo's limp form and running after. If Apo was telling the truth, Owen had a real problem.

Owen Changes His MindWhere stories live. Discover now