7. Love Hurts 3/3

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Author's Note: This marks a change in the structure of the fic. We will see what happens with Owen, then go back to this moment and see what happens with Apo.


In the end, Owen had decided to use the book, but to erase what he'd written every night. He could keep the book on his person. He hadn't touched the first page or the second page, preferring to leave a page between Apo's written words and his own. It made him feel better but he didn't know why.

"I've been down here for about two weeks," he wrote. "I don't know how much longer I will survive. Guts refused to bring me any food. I was starved and dehydrated, and then Rasbi came to assassinate me. When will the humans in the clearing notice? Who will protect them?" Owen stopped writing and looked at what he'd written. What if they didn't need protection? He rejected the thought. Demons were dangerous. He saw his city burning. Steady, someone coached. Don't hold your breath. Owen took a breath. That's right. He'd been forgetting to do that. To breathe, to relax. How could he hunt, otherwise?

That's how Graecie found Owen hours later when she visited; meditating and breathing normally.

"Owen?" She called uncertainly.

Owen opened his eyes and fixed them on Graecie. She shifted, uncomfortable in his gaze. Owen supposed he was too focused for her to feel comfortable, but he didn't care.

"Owen, I came to talk."

"What's there to talk about?" Owen snapped. "You've thrown me out like garbage. Like refuse. I don't suppose you're sorry?" He scoffed. Graecie recoiled. "I thought not."

"This isn't about me, Owen!" Graecie almost shouted. From her, it was as good as a shout. Owen stared at her. "Stop glowering at me."

"Is there somewhere else I should look?" He knew it was impertinent even as he said it, like the thrashing of a child, but he couldn't help it. Owen felt helpless.

"Ugh, nevermind," Graecie groaned. "You know, Apo was your friend."

Apo, again. Owen felt like he'd been slapped. He carefully kept his face blank.

"You really don't care, do you?" Graecie asked, squinting and leaning forward. It was too much.

"On the contrary, I care a great deal," Owen explained. "I care that the humans in this clearing are in grave danger. I care that none of you seem to recognize it. I've regained my memories. Have you?"

Graecie fidgeted. She hadn't.

Owen wasn't entirely aware that he'd been glaring holes through Graecie with eyes the color of fire the entire time.

"I'm disappointed in you, Graecie. You're a leader. You're supposed to be aware of threats like these, and capable of making difficult decisions."

Now Graecie's eyes narrowed. "You're disappointed? You're disappointed!? Owen, you tried to kill Apo, your best friend! And now you're saying demons are a threat? Look at you!"

"At least I'm willing to face the truth," Owen defended, the volume of his voice rising. "That demons are-"

"Listen to yourself-"

"-dangerous, and-"

"Can you even hear what you're saying?"

"-every human in this clearing is in danger, unless-"

"Why!? Why are you doing this!?" Graecie finally screamed.

"-I'm allowed to neutralize them," Owen finished calmly.

Graecie assessed Owen for a moment, rocking back on her heels. He wondered what she was thinking. "They aren't dangerous to me, Owen."

"Then you're a fool," he replied, fast and smooth.

"And you're disappointing. I really believed you made a great leader, Owen. But I guess that's over now. A leader doesn't despise half of their people."

"Says the one who keeps Clearing B separate." He hadn't meant to say that. Why had he said it? It wasn't even true. Maybe he just wanted to unbalance Graecie. It had worked, in any case. She looked upset.

Without a word, Graecie took a step back, then another. "You're not the Owen I knew." She turned and fled.

"You're right, I'm not!" Owen called after her. "Thanks for noticing!"

As Graecie disappeared up the ladder, Owen tilted his head. Had that gone well, or poorly? Did he want to destabilize her? He wasn't sure anymore. Owen mentally changed her status from friend to neutral. He felt cold and lonely, but that was to be expected. Owen checked the backpack on autopilot and pulled out an apple. He put the apple back and pulled out an orange. 

Owen Changes His MindWhere stories live. Discover now