15. Moving On 2/2

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Apo watched Acho help Kyle sit up. He'd come quickly when he heard Kyle was awake. Apo was anxious to help people in the clearing survive, and he wanted to know what Kyle knew.

"Kyle, what happened?" Bek asked.

"What's out there?" Apo added.

Acho took the glass of water from Soup and offered it to Kyle, silently pulling it back when Kyle shook his head. "I don't remember much," Kyle rasped. "It's all dark. Like it never happened. But..."

Apo, Bek, and Acho leaned forward. Soup busied herself with rolling some bandages she'd managed to clean.

"I remember a long pathway stretching out into nothing. And Leo leading a monster away. He was singing."

"Leo?" Acho asked. "The half angel?"

Bek paled. "Where is he now?"

"...singing?" Apo murmured to himself.

"He's not here?" Kyle asked, then saw their faces. "He didn't come back with me," Kyle realized, then coughed and winced in pain. Acho fluttered around him.

Soup appeared with a bowl of broth, offering Kyle a spoonful and the bowl to Acho.

"I haven't seen him," Apo said, turning slightly away from the tender intimacy of Soup and Acho caring for Kyle, "but that doesn't mean much. I've been out in the regular maze. Bek, did you see Leo?"

"No," Bek shook her head. "As soon as I saw Kyle, I brought him here." She started for the door. "Should I go back?"

"Yes, if-"

"No," Kyle interrupted, "he's gone. Leo is gone. He lured the monsters away from me. There's no way he survived that."

Apo turned and blinked at Kyle. "Monsters? There were more than one?"

"But what if he survived?" Soup asked, pausing her haste to keep her supplies organized.

"How many were there?" Apo asked, fearing the answer.

"Kyle?" Acho looked at their friend, smoothing down his hair in an attempt to soothe the hurt. "Are you alright?"

Everyone paused, waiting for Kyle to speak. When he did, it was with a flat, listless voice. "Leo's dead. I barely made it back alive."

A moment of silence seemed to stretch on, as each of them tried to come to terms with yet another death.

"Do you know the way back?" Apo asked.

"Who's going to tell Graecie?" Soup murmured, turning away.

"I can," Bek volunteered. Bek's voice faded as Soup walked her to the door.

Kyle's head fell back against the pillow and Acho paled. They fussed with the blankets, then turned to Apo. "He's tired. Let's let him sleep."

"Yeah, good idea," Apo said, but couldn't help feeling anxious annoyance as he turned away. He wanted out.

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