14. Ayngel's Resolve 2/3

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Apo spent the night in their home in the maze. They wanted to go back, but they couldn't bring themself to take a step forward toward the clearing. Besides that, something was bothering them about Ayngel.

She said she didn't hate all demons, just a half breed like them. And that Owen... something. What had she said? They couldn't remember, but something was bothering them. Ayngel clearly believed that Owen was a good leader, which Apo had to admit was true. Ayngel wanted Owen to continue to be a leader. Ayngel had visited him in jail. What if she'd tried to break him out? Apo shuddered. They would be as good as dead if she'd succeeded. But she hadn't.

...but she hadn't.

Apo knew security was lax. They didn't think Guts even went down with visitors anymore. So why hadn't Ayngel succeeded in breaking Owen out?

Apo shook their head. They were too fixed on this. There were too many variables they didn't know. And they felt guilty for ditching Red, again.

Red was weird, but he was the reason Apo had survived the past several weeks. Not only did Red house them and feed them, but Red had been there for Apo in a way no one had been in the maze. Like Erin. Like Will. Like family.

Apo put their head in their hands and breathed. Could they trust anyone after Owen? They liked Red well enough. But what if the guy turned out to be worse?

"No," Apo said aloud. "I trust Red. I trust Red with my life."

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