3. Danger 4/4

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Owen didn't move when the door to the little cottage flew open. (Soup jumped about a meter in the air and cursed.)

"Pathetic," he heard Krow's voice growl, directed at him. It was a formidable opponent. Owen feigned sleep. "I'm supposed to be scared of that?" Krow persisted.

Guts raced in after it. "Please Krow! Don't antagonize him, you haven't seen-"

"Alright, he's safe," Graecie sighed. Interesting that she was this worried.

Krow's voice was close behind Owen. "Psh. This man couldn't kill me. A mere mortal. Ha!"

"I don't know, Krow," Red drawled from farther away. Owen kept still.

"What is this all about?" Soup demanded from the other side of the room.

"Well," Graecie started, but was interrupted.

"Can we please take this outside?"

Graecie fretted. "But what if Rasbi is here!?"

"Do you see her anywhere?" Red asked, and Owen wondered about Rasbi.What did Graecie want to hide from the half demon? No matter- they were still talking and Owen had missed some of the conversation.

"This is getting heavy, and I don't think we should leave him in here with-"

"What is going on!?" Soup interrupted, punctuated with a bang.

"This place is full of festering boils," Krow grumbled.

Red called out as Owen heard the door bang shut. "Krow, wait!"

"I'm leaving, too," Guts murmured. Owen hadn't realized they were here- he made a mental note.

Soup's voice turned plaintive. "Did Owen do something bad?"

"Soup, oh my gosh, it's too horrible to say-" Red blurted.

"E-everyone, just be quiet!" Graecie screamed. Facing the wall, Owen couldn't help a tiny smirk. So Rasbi would come to him. Good. Graecie knew how to corral them, but she sounded close to snapping. Owen listened as someone stomped out, banging the door in their wake.

"Soup, I'll tell you in a bit, but if what Rasbi said is true, we need to have a clearing meeting. Now." What had Rasbi said, Owen wondered. He would have to think on it later.

"But Graecie, what are we going to do with..?"

Graecie groaned. Then Red stepped in, "I can take care of him. Make sure he stays in one place. But his side needs to be heard, too."

Apo, Owen assumed. So he would be under house arrest too. This would make his task both easier and harder.

"Yes, perfect. And can you do the same, Soup? Good, okay. Listen-" Owen listened, but he didn't hear what Graecie whispered to Soup. "Red, do you trust me to fill you in on what we decide?"

"Oh, yeah. I trust you to fill me in, I just want my thoughts to be heard too, y'know?"

Graecie's voice turned soft and warm. "I can't promise for anyone else. But I can promise that I'll hear you out, Red."

"That's good enough for me. Here," Red relented, and Owen could hear shifting sounds of something being lifted.

"Do you need help?" Leo asked someone, probably Red.

"No, I've got 'im, thank you." Someone groaned. Probably Apo. Owen felt a thrill of anticipation. His prey was wounded.

Graecie took over again

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Graecie took over again. "Okay. Meeting time in... three hours, at sunset. Um. Leo, I need you here with Soup, just in case Rasbi comes around. She'll know we're meeting. No, I know. I've got this. Just like you keep saying."

"...You've come so far," Leo praised.

Graecie made an uncertain noise. "Thank you. I'm going to find Magic now, okay Soup?"

Owen listened to the door bang shut on so many people.

"Do you really think he's dangerous?" Soup whispered.

Leo made an uncertain noise. "I'm starting to think it's a possibility, yeah."

Oh, if only they knew.

Owen Changes His MindWhere stories live. Discover now