19. Long Night 5/5

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Was Owen lying? Apo watched Guts rush about their house from behind a corner. He watched them dump supplies into bags, sort through piles, and create a sleeping bag. They seemed to be avoiding the prison below.

Apo, you've gotta survive for both of us.

Was Owen lying? Manipulating him? Apo hugged himself. He thought of the moment Owen had remembered his past.

And I know you better than you know yourself.

Owen had been wrong, back then. He hadn't realized Apo didn't want to fight, but that he would if he had to. Or, had he? What if Owen had known all along, and wanted Apo to win? What if Owen had thrown their fight since the very beginning? Apo shook his head. No, he was getting too philosophical about this. He didn't need to get lost in his head.

Apo watched Guts open the door to the prison. He watched Guts stare down for a long moment. He watched them back a step away and close the door. Apo's anger rose as Guts backed away, turned, and fled.

"Apo," Red said in Apo's ear. Apo leaped about two feet off the ground and screamed.

"Jesus christ, Red!" Apo swore. Red chuckled. "Don't scare me like that!"

Red stepped back, scuffing one foot in the dirt. "I, uh. I saw you watching Guts."

Apo looked down, then at Red, then back to Guts' house. "Oh."

Red frowned. "You don't have to do this, Apo. Owen tried to kill you, and he doesn't deserve..." Red gestured at Apo as if to encompass his entire being, "you."

Apo blinked. "Huh." Red leaned back. "Oh, Red," Apo replied, reaching out to pat Red's shoulder. Red leaned into the touch. "I'm not doing it for him, I'm doing it because no one should burn to death. I'm doing it because that's the kind of person I want to be."

Red's tone was serious. "You really believe he won't try to kill you?" he wondered. Apo shook his head slightly. Red sighed, turning away from Apo to face the prison. "You know I trust you, Apo," he admitted without looking. "I don't trust him. But I trust you."

Apo looked, and in Red's outstretched hand was a bow and a quiver of arrows. "Thanks," he murmured, taking them with one hand. Apo slipped his other hand under Red's arm, around his shoulders. Apo pulled Red into a hug, gently squeezing until Red pulled away. Apo released his friend.

Red's face was impossible to read. His shoulders drooped as he leaned forward again. "...Alright, Apo. I'll wait here for ya. I wanna make sure you make it out alive too. I won't leave withoutcha."

Apo blinked back sudden tears. He took a deep, stabilizing breath, then looked back towards the prison. Towards Owen. Then Apo turned back to Red, smiling. "You're a really good friend, you know? I'm sorry it took me so long to notice." Red only nodded in reply.

Owen Changes His MindWhere stories live. Discover now