5. Cornered 2/3

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Present Time
Soup's house
Looking after Owen
Soup, Leo, Ayngel

Leo and Soup looked up when Ayngel came in. "Well, what did they decide, Ayngel?" Leo asked.

Ayngel sighed. "Owen is dangerous, 6-4. Magic asked me to tell you. Then we're meeting about Apo tomorrow night. Everyone this time, except for Apo and Red who is keeping tabs on Apo."

Soup looked at their sleeping visitor. "What did he even do?"

"I'm surprised Graecie hasn't told you yet. Apo and Rasbi say he killed demons before entering the maze. They act like he will do the same now." Ayngel replied, her voice tight. She began rearranging her backpack with short, frustrated gestures.

Soup tilted her head, confused. "Oh. But... isn't the maze like a second chance?"

Leo broke in, "I'm always going to advocate for second chances. But I think they might be right. If Owen is that dangerous, keeping him in one place might be the best option."

"What about Apo?" Soup asked. "Isn't he the one who..."

Ayngel nodded. "Yeah."

Soup eyed Ayngel. "We don't have more than one prison," she murmured.

"We could make another one," Ayngel spat, but then looked guilty.

Leo noticed their exchanged glances. "Let's focus on one thing at a time. Is he stable enough to move?"

"Not yet. He got hit on the head pretty hard," Soup explained.

Leo turned and looked speculatively at Owen's bandaged head. "I suppose it was in self defense."

"Yeah, unless Apo's doing this to gain a place back in the clearing," Ayngel justified.

"Why would he pick Owen? Why not accuse someone who already doesn't like him?" Leo asked.

Ayngel's eyebrow rose as she turned to face Leo. "Maybe no one else would be willing to get close."

Leo frowned, brow furrowed slightly. "No, I don't think that's it. Owen's stayed farther away from Apo than anyone."

"...Do you think he's telling the truth, Leo?" Soup asked hesitantly.

"I think so."

Owen Changes His MindWhere stories live. Discover now