6. Violence 1/4

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Owen was in a bad place. Not only was he in jail, but he had been bested by a demon. It would be only temporary, he assured himself. It was a minor setback. What really wound him up was that he'd miscalculated. He knew Apo. He knew the demon like the back of his own hand. Apo wanted to be the villain. Apo valued the group over themself. Apo relied on the shaky stability of the group. Apo would sacrifice themself for the good of the group before they would fight back, and that's exactly what they should have done- sacrificed themself. Apo was a talker. They should have pleaded, should have run. But that wasn't what happened. What had Owen missed? Was he losing his powers of deduction? He replayed the scene, stage by stage.

Owen went into the maze calling out Apo's name. Then he heard Apo through a hole in the wall. What had they been saying? Everything is okay? What a joke. No, no bitterness, only analysis. Remember.

Everything will be okay.

Oh my gosh, what? Apo!?


Apo? Are you ok!? Where are you?

Owen! Owen, I promise I'm coming back!

Where have you been?

I've been living in the maze.

That skull, it wasn't you?

No. Owen, I'm sorry.

I can't- I can hardly see you.

Yeah, this hole is really tiny.

Where are you? I'll meet you.

Yeah, let's meet in the middle. I'm coming, Owen!

He didn't understand, but Owen knew he was going to. Apo had been all apologies. Apo felt guilty for something. What did Apo feel guilty for? Owen snorted. What didn't Apo feel guilty for? But somehow this dumbass had bested him. There had been no hesitation in Apo's voice or manner. Apo fully believed they were Owen's friend. That meant Apo was both willing and able to strike a close friend, maybe the closest of friends. Owen wished he'd realized that sooner, but there wasn't any indication. When he had asked what Apo would do...

I don't want to fight you, Owen.

Then that leaves you two options.

Owen had believed them. That was Owen's mistake. Apo was a liar. Owen scratched the word liar onto the walls of his cell over and over again to remind himself not to trust the words of demons. He laughed as he did it.

Owen Changes His MindWhere stories live. Discover now