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Hey, so I had this idea the other day if you're taking requests.

So basically just Ajax and the reader go together to the Rave'N and the reader is Wednesday's twin and also kinda weird but more emotional and so they're at the dance floor when the paint starts to rain and they just keep dancing in between the chaos

my insides are red and yours are too
summary | you always seem to enjoy the chaos around you

pairing | ajax petropolus x fem!addams!reader

warning | fluff fluff fluff, reader is crushin’ and doesn’t know it, and so is ajax

word count | 1.4k

When you started at Nevermore with your sister, everyone was always curious about you. Wondering why you weren’t named after a day of the week, if you were just as crazy as the rumors they heard about Wednesday.

Though growing up together, you couldn’t lie and say that you weren’t ‘weird’, you were just like Wednesday, always curious, your murderous tendencies, but you just had a better grip on your emotions.

You met Ajax your first day, when Enid was giving you a tour along with Wednesday. Watching as he came up to Enid, gossiping about Wednesday and seeing how his face morphed into shock with a little of embarrassment when he saw the two of you right next to Enid.

With the small population of Nevermore, you had almost all your classes with Ajax. You were noisy, wanting to know what he was hiding under his beanie.

“Snakes.” He was infatuated with you, the minute he met you. Next to Wednesday, you looked so different, and he wanted to get to know you more. “Keep them hidden so I don’t stone anyone.”

Your mother told you about the nightshades, though it was supposed to be hidden, she wanted one of her daughters to know about it. And as much as you didn’t want to talk to her, you just sat in front of the crystal ball letting her go on and on about whatever she talked about.

Your mother told you about the nightshades, though it was supposed to be hidden, she wanted one of her daughters to know about it. And as much as you didn’t want to talk to her, you just sat in front of the crystal ball letting her go on and on about whatever she talked about.

“You are looking ghastly.” You just rolled your eyes at her, picking your hand over the ball seeing your picture fade away.

“She needs someone to talk to.” Something you learned as the two of you got older, you were more sensitive to your emotions and others.

As the weeks passed at Nevermore, the students were wary of the two of you, but Wednesday couldn’t care, since the first day, she expressed that she wasn’t looking to be friends with anyone, and that she’d find a way to leave Nevermore.

“So,” You turned to look at Ajax, “Are you going to the Rave’N this weekend?”

You just nodded your head, before turning to your work.

“Oh,” Hearing his voice slightly going up an octave, “Would you maybe want to go together?”

Freezing, you turned to look at him, slowly blinking at him. Ajax was nice, and remembered Enid gushing about how much he had a crush on you, saying how much the two of you would be perfect for each other.

Ajax was just as nervous as you, you still hadn’t said anything to him and he just deflated about to ramble out excuses and apologies.

“Yes.” You spoke, your voice wavering, “Yes, t-that would be nice.”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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