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A/n: I’m so bad at writing but there’s like…two fics under Ajax petropolis x reader and my dude doesn’t deserve that 😔

E/C: eye color        

summary: Ajax has been crushing on you for ages, dropping obvious hints every chance he gets. So why don’t you notice? Do you not like him? Something changes when the Rave’n dance comes.

warnings: like longing with fluff, happy ending, sucky writing, reader not picking up on obvious stuff, yelling.

The rave’n dance is coming up soon, and Ajax can’t wait. There’s just one problem. A certain someone doesn’t reciprocate his feelings. he’d dropped the most obvious hints, and they’d brushed them off like nothing had happened. Anyone except them would realize. To recount, these hints included:

•The time he gave you a heart necklace with your initials on it. You’d beamed at him and he almost thought you’d say what he so desperately wanted to hear. But then you said

“This is so sweet! You’re the best friend ever.” His heart sank into his chest. See, if he’d been a little more perceptive, he would’ve also paid attention to how much you were blushing when you gave it to him. But he didn’t.

•it was winter at Nevermore. The snow was thick and you’d dragged him outside, sticking your tongue out to catch the snowflakes. He admired you , your ability to look good even when you didn’t care. You turned to him, and giggled.

“what?” You asked. “Nothing!” He said quickly, looking away. “You were staring at me.” You pressed. “I- you have snow in your hair.” He lied. His face was red, but not from the cold. You shook your head, shaking the invisible flaked of snow from your hair. You were so unreal. The grip you had on his life was debilitating. Now, every time he looked at snow, he thought of you.

• He’d asked you to come over and have a movie marathon with him. He’d meant it as a date, and his heart had sped up when you’d said yes. It was perfect. He felt light as air every time you buried yourself deeper into his side on the way-too-small couch in his room. You thought it was lucky he even got one, considering he didn’t have to room with anyone. You shared with Enid. When you realized how late it was, you reluctantly said good night. He’d never felt better. “This was a great hangout. See you tommorow?” His smile faltered, but only for a second, when he heard the word hangout. He should’ve known you didn’t see that. He hastily said good night.

Mix that with every other signal he’d given you, ever longing touch or small gift, even the way he looked at you. It was obvious. But you never noticed. He wanted to ask you to the Rave’n. So you met up like you did every Wednesday, at the weathervane. You sat, ordering the same thing you did every time. When the topic changed from homework to the Rave’n, he practically jumped at the chance to ask you.

“Y/n, I really want to go to-” Tyler sets the drinks down, interrupting him as he turns to you.
“not to sound like a creep, but is there any chance..I could get your number?” You shoot a second long look at Ajax, turning back to Tyler and writing your number on a slip of paper he hands you, giving him your most seductive smile. Ajax feels sick to his stomach.  You turn back to him. “Yeah?” You say, eyes wide. “Nothing.” He mutters, and hurriedly leaves after paying for his coffee.

Now he’s in your room, messing with your things while you finish your homework. He changes the song on your speaker, and you look up.

“hey! I liked that song.” You hit his arm playfully. He groans and turns it back. He was going to not pay attention to the song, save for a few nods of his head, but now that you’ve given your approval, he listens. The lyrics are about not confessing when your in love, and his heart tightens. He looks at you, focused on your work. You’re so pretty, your E/C eyes shining as you furrow your brow, furiously writing something down. He decides he can’t wait any longer. All he wants is to say it, to get you out of his head somehow. But instead he thinks about how many times you didn’t pick up on his hints, and he gets frustrated. He knows you’ve noticed. So why haven’t you done anything?

“Why do you keep rejecting me?” He asks. Your head shoots up, your eyes widening. He regrets what he’s said immediately.

“What?” You say, panic coursing through you. The truth was, you’d been trying to get Ajax to notice the crush you had on him for ages, dropping subtle signs that you were into him every now and then.
“If you don’t like me I get it, but you have to stop being so…I don’t know.” He instinctively tries to run his hands through his hair before realizing his beanie is on.

“I..I’m so confused.” You say, trying to get it together as realization sets in. He steps closer. “God! You keep leading me on and then saying we’re just friends! Do you like me or not?” He doesn’t yell, not quite. He would never yell at you. But he’s frustrated, and it’s obvious. It’s not your fault, really. You’d both been misreading the situation forever.

“You like me back?” You say, happiness overwhelming you. His anger disappears, and he walks closer to you.

“God you can be so oblivious.” He groans. You move your face closer to him, smiling. “But you still like me.” You whisper to him, and he grins. “Yeah I do.” You kiss him, happily. You stay like that till you both need to come up for air. He looks away before asking, “do you want to go to the Rave’n with me?” You feel ecstatic as you nod, blushing a deep shade of scarlet. He smiles impossibly wider and reconnects your lips eagerly. Then another question pops into his head. He wishes they would stop so he can just enjoy the moment, the feel of your soft lips against his, but he feels inclined to ask.

“I thought you liked Tyler?” You grin at him as you readjust yourself onto his lap so you can kiss easier.“No, I just wanted to see if that would make you angry.” Relief flows through him. “Did it?” His hands press against your waist. “I don’t know, did it?” You reply against his lips. He doesn’t respond beyond pressing another fervent kiss against your lips, and that’s enough.

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