sweet nothing Georgie

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summary: Georgie tries to fix his mistake.
WARNINGS! angst to fluffy, the author has no idea of how to use tumblr.
taglist: @rieulsimp @lilttblog

Georgie stared at the street, he still hoped to see you walking by so he could apologize.

Of course, you never came back. He tried to say that it was better this way, but no, it wasn't.
He heard from all of his friends of how dumb he was and that he needed to apologize but when he unlocked his phone, he completely froze. The photo of you smiling, in one of your favorite tea shop that you made him go every time, knocked all his senses away.

So there he was, sitting alone on his apartment back in London, he couldn't even open your chat, knowing that he would face all the worried messages that he ghosted.

Shoving his hand inside of the hoodie you gave him back, Georgie felt something hard between the soft cloth, picking it up, he stared at a little pebble. The one you picked up on your first date with him, he remembered it all too well.

"He took you to a park, one that he knew you loved, Georgie sat down the picnic towel and took our your favorite fruits and drinks. You looked absolutely beautiful under the sun, your eyes shining more and more whenever you looked at him with that bright smile. The one that made him fall in love with you.
He watched you picking up a pebble that was near to his hand.
— It matches your eyes, see?- you smiled showing him, that moment he wished to see the world like you."
He kept the pebble and completely forgot about it. Fidgeting with it, his mind always flew back to your smile, how you managed to brighten up his days and never failed to put a smile on his face.

Looking outside again he saw how heavy the rain was, making him also remember how he let you walk alone in the streets of a city you never went before, in the middle of a storm and pure coldness.

He hated it, he hated how he couldn't move, how he couldn't even ask you to stay until the storm passed, no, he was a coward and let you go. He let you go so easily, you slipped from his fingers so easily and his heart ached more and more.

You just wanted his sweet nothings, you never wanted more or less, he was stupid for noticing just now how much you meant for him.

Picking up an umbrella and a jacket, he put on his shoes and quickly ran from his apartment.

His feet guided him like a GPS, he knew exactly where they were leading him, your house. He stayed in front of you door, he could hear the soft music coming from inside, the same music that you always put on when you needed to put your head back into place.

He closed his umbrella and knocked on the door, but you never came, anxiously he took the spare key he always kept with him and tossed his shoes aside before opening the door.

Georgie quietly made his way to the kitchen, you were humming the song while making tea.

— Y/N?- he called quietly and you jumped, turning off the music and looking at him.

God, his heart absolutely broke when he saw how your eyes were red and swollen, it was a week since the event and you were still upset about it and it was all his fault.

You lost that shiny eyes you held, the bright smile and all your colors completely vanished and he wanted to beat himself for it.

— Georgie, don't scare me like that- your raspy voice echoed in the empty house.

— I'm sorry, you didn't opened the door and I really wanted to talk- he muttered back and you sighed.

— It's okay, I just wasn't expecting it, are you cold? I can make you some tea if you want- you whispered so gently that he thought about all the ways to throw himself in front of a bus.

— It would be good- he smiled gently but you didn't, too distracted trying to find the package with his favorite tea.

After putting down both of the tea cups, you two sat down and an uncomfortable silence grew.

— I'm sorry, for... everything- Georgie was the first to speak.

— You don't need to apologize Georgie, I was dumb for not seeing that you didn't wanted anything anymore- you said and looked down at your tea, Georgie turned his eyes to you.

— No, I was dumb Y/N, I made a horrible mistake- he said and you looked up- I can't live without you, I was completely selfish and didn't thought about you... well, about us, because I'm nothing without you, being completely honest- he gently reached for your hand- You are the only person who understands me and never fail to make me happy, sometimes I was scared that I wasn't making you happy and that some day I would hurt you, it happened and I was a coward for even letting you go- he squeezed your hand.

— Georgie, you know that you're the only person that I've ever felt safe and truly happy and you could've just talked to me- you said and he saw the tears pricking under your eyes.

— I know, actually, Emma almost threw a table at me when I told her what happened and it did made me notice how I have been treating you poorly those last months and that my fear came true because I was just thinking about me- he admitted and you sighed- I'm sorry Y/N, I truly am, I want to make it up for you! I don't know, we can go to your favorite park or that tea shop, it's always open anyways...- he rambled and you just watched him become a pile of nerves every second that passed by.

— Georgie- you caught his face between your hands- Be honest with me first, do you love me?- you asked and he stared at you like you were an alien.

— More than anything! I... I love you more than anything Y/N!- he panicked and you smiled softly at him.

— It'll take time to get things back together, you really hurt me Georgie, but if you want to do this again, we can try, together- you said and he sighed relieved- Just promise me that you'll talk to me whenever you need- Georgie smiled and nodded.

— I promise- he whispered and looked into your eyes- Can I hold you again, please?- he asked and stood up.

You followed his actions and he opened his arms, you immediately hugged him, sinking your face on the crook of his neck as he wrapped his arms around you.

Georgie took a deep breathe feeling your embrace again, rubbing his hands on your back and bringing you even closer.

All that you ever wanted from him was sweet nothings, but he'll make sure to give you the whole world.

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