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PAIRING; Ajax Petropolus x Telepath!Fem!Reader

SYNOPSIS; [2.4k] After Ajax and Enid didn’t work out, Y/N finds that she has a thing for him and he’s taken an interest in her. The only problem? Enid can’t know.

WARNING(S); swearing, sneaking around, fluff, little angst, (forgot to mention—characters are 18)

A/N; I literally ran through every Ajax fic on here the second I finished Wednesday and not enough people write for my boy and it’s so sad.

ajax masterlist

“Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU?” I heard Enid’s voice from wherever she was searching for me near the main courtyard of Nevermore. I sighed as I broke the connection that had Ajax’s lips on mine for the past 5 minutes. His hands still on my waist as he laughed in my ear and I clutched my eyes shut in frustration.

“Duty calls.” He joked as I peered up at him with a mock-offended gaze.

“Five minutes.” I sighed, drawing back from him slightly as I stuffed my belongings into my bag, preparing for Enid to come bounding into the courtyard any moment. “That’s a new record.” I joked half-heartedly. “Maybe this is the universe getting back at me for sneaking around with you.”

The boy sighed pitifully. “You gotta stop feeling so guilty, y/n.” Ajax comforted, his hands that were on my waist trailing up to cup my cheek as I leaned into his warm touch.

“It’s just, I like you. A lot. But, Enid’s my best friend, Jax. I can’t help but feel like a shitty friend.” I sulked, throwing my tote bag over my shoulder and standing up from where we had been sitting at an empty table.

The courtyard was empty as everyone was busy or in class, where my boyfriend and I should’ve been. Ajax and I had snuck off to get some time alone and in private, as there wasn’t much of that at Nevermore. Someone was always watching.

He and Enid had ended whatever they were two months ago - they weren’t together but did couple-y things. They remained friends and, sure, they said they were over each other, but I still couldn’t help the pit of guilt that formed in my stomach.

“Hey, look at me,” He stated, standing up after me and lifting my chin into his hand. “You’re not. I’ll tell her if you really want me to. I don’t want you to feel like this.”

I shook my head and lightly grasped the wrist of the hand that held my face to pull it away gently, intertwining my fingers with his. “No. No, I have to tell her. And I will.” I reassured, smiling up at him. “It’ll be fine. Promise.”

“Y/n!” I heard Enid’s cheerful voice boom behind me, much much closer this time. Spinning around, my hand still connected with Ajax’s but my body concealing the interaction from Enid’s view, who was standing in front of me now with a bright smile on her face. “There you are. You didn’t hear me calling you?” I opened my mouth to speak when her gaze shifted behind me to the purple beanie-wearing boy. “Oh. Ajax, hi.” She said in greeting, her smile faltering in surprise and confusion.

Swiftly disconnecting my hand from his before she could see it, I smiled back at her. “Ajax and I were just talking about something we have to do with the Nightshades. What did you need?”

Her bright eyes traveled back to me as she eagerly clutched her hands in front of her. “You weren’t in class so I volunteered you as my partner for the project we have to do.” She beamed. “So, you’re coming with me so we can start because you are going to love the idea I came up with-” She rambled, grabbing my wrist and dragging me behind her with ease due to her werewolf strength, making me almost topple over my own feet.

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