pocket pet

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PAIRING; Ajax Petropolus x Fem!Vamp!Reader

SYNOPSIS; [1.1k] With a girlfriend who turns in a rather cute yet, extremely smaller version of herself when overwhelmed, her boyfriend has to find ways to keep her nearby and safe.

WARNING(S); swearing, fluff, I think that’s it

A/N; I really hope you like this bc I do, this request was too cute. This isn’t really a blurb but it’s not a full fic either. Would this be considered a drabble? Mini-fic? Idk.

ajax masterlist

“JAX! AJAX! HELP ME!” Ajax turned his head at the sound of me wailing through the courtyard, the few people around turning their heads to look at me — the girl who was sprinting full speed towards her boyfriend.

I didn’t slow down as I grew closer, causing me to tumble into him as he wrapped his arms around me. A puff of air left his lips as I crashed into his chest. I was breathing heavily, trying to catch my breath while moving in his arms to try and look behind me.

“What’s wrong?” He chuckled, looking down at me. My eyes were wide and my lips were parted, I probably looked crazy and paranoid and, in a sense, I was.

“I was looking for Wednesday in her and Enid’s dorm-” I started, speaking through labored, deep breaths. “-And I accidentally broke one of the keys on her typewriter when I almost tripped over Thing because I didn’t see him and now Wednesday is power walking after me like Micheal Myers and she looks like she wants to kill me-”

Slow down…” He coaxed, rubbing one hand up and down my back for comfort. “You gotta calm down before-”

Y/n.” A flat, feminine voice perked up from behind me. Ajax and I were too busy talking to one another that neither of us noticed Wednesday, in all of her dark glory, approaching us. At the sound of her voice, knowing she was most likely mere inches behind me, I gasped and all of sudden I was out of Ajax’s arms and floating mid-air.


Ajax sighed and tipped his head to the side to look at Wednesday. “Look at what you did.” He said exasperatedly, throwing his arms out.

The girl simply quirked an eyebrow and crossed her arms. “This? Has nothing to do with me. She damaged my typewriter. I didn’t even know she could do…” She examined by small, winged, floating form. “This.”

“It’s not by choice.” Ajax informed the girl, cupping his hands for me to land in them. I flew over to his joined palms and rested in them. “Not all the time anyway. It happens when she gets anxious. I’ve been trying to help her, though. This is a small setback…”

Wednesday scanned me with her eyes for a few more moments before blankly shrugging her shoulders. “Well, I apologize for startling you.” She spoke, then pointed her finger at my figure in Ajax’s hands. “But you will fix my typewriter.” She said sternly before turning on her heel and walking away.

Then Ajax was lifting his hands to his eye level, me turning around to face him. “Y’know, I know this sucks for you,” He started. “But you’re really cute like this. Not saying you’re not cute all the time-”

I put my head down and shook it in disappointment. “Don’t shake your head at me, I was being nice.” He said in his defense. Sometimes, I wish I could speak like this but unfortunately, that doesn’t come with the perks of being a vampire.

Suddenly, the bell was ringing and only then did I realize the school day was still ongoing which meant that-

“I know you hate this…” Ajax started, pity in his eyes. I could feel my tiny bat ears fall and my eyes fall sad. He was going to have to put me in his pocket until I changed back — which would take a few hours seeing as I still had no control over it. He looked up and around to see the swarms of students coming out of their classes to go to the next.

Looking back at me, he had a sorry expression on his face. “I love you. Sorry.” Was all he said before he gently slid me in his pocket. It wasn’t uncomfortable or unfamiliar. It was just nerve-wracking because when he first started to carry me around like this, he forgot I was in his pocket one time and threw his jacket into his hamper.

It was actually quite comfortable there. It was warm and soft and surprisingly easy to breathe. 

It wasn’t long before Ajax settled down into class, where I was supposed to be as well. Quietly informing the teacher of my predicament as to not tell the whole class, an act which I silently thanked him for before dozing off in his pocket.

I WOKE UP, STILL IN THE COMFORT OF AJAX’S POCKET, TO THE FEELING OF FINGERS INVADING THE SPACE. Realizing that class had probably ended long ago, along with the school day, I crawled into the hand and held steady as Ajax introduced me back to the comfort of the outside — the sun beaming in my sore, tired eyes as I shielded them with my wings. 

He seemed to be standing in the yard near where the Poe Cup is held, his usual spot to meet up with Xavier after school.

Speaking of the devil, said boy was making his way over to us. His eyes squinting in confusion the closer he got, trying to decipher what Ajax was holding in his hands. When he came to a stop in front of us, he was trying his best to hold back laughter.

Even in my current state, I managed to roll my eyes. You see, Xavier and I were friends but our friends would like to describe us as having a brother-sister type bond. However, this meant that Xavier tended to tease me and be a pain in my ass constantly.

“Again?” He wheezed out.

Ajax stood back shaking his head at his hysterical friend. I, however, decided that Xavier didn’t deserve to laugh at my misfortune. So, during his fit of laughter, I took off from Ajax’s hand, him desperately reaching for me and having no idea what I was up to, and began to swarm around Xaviers head.

His laughter switched to him frantically trying to swat me away as Ajax was the one laughing now and I would be too if I weren’t, y’know. I wanted to annoy Xavier as much as possible, flying by his ears, messing with his hair.

“Jax, man, get your murderous girlfriend!-” Xavier pleaded, still swatting aimlessly.

“Alright, alright,” Ajax started, shaking off his amusement as he motioned his hand to wave me back over. “I think he’s got it, love.”

Stopping my harmless assault on the artistic boy, I made my way back to Ajax, perching myself on the top of his beanie as Xavier stood back fixing his hair, shooting me a playful glare. “I will see you and your vicious animal later.” He said in mock-anger before heading off.

I couldn’t see his face but I could tell his eyes were looking up, trying to look at me on top of his head. “Y’know he’s going to kill me for that, right?”

Even though he received no response, he chuckled and moved his head around a bit, signaling me to move onto another part of him. I chose his shoulder. “I can’t wait until you change back. You’re going to make me public enemy number one.

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