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Summary: Y/n has been getting love notes from someone anonymous.

Pairing: Ajax Petropolus x fem!Reader

Warnings: Cussing, kissing.

💌 - A/N: I haven't written an Ajax x Reader in a while soo, here I am. Also the ending bit is like another fic I wrote a while back.

Y/n was sitting on her bed in her dorm, scrolling through Instagram, when she heard a sliding noise at her door. She looked over to see an envelope, a green envelope much like the others she had. She walked over and picked it up, opening and grabbing the note out of the envelope.

'Dear Y/n,
    I'm gonna be honest with you. You are definitely the most beautiful girl I have ever layed my eyes on. Everything about you is gorgeous, your eyes, your hair, the way you dress/your style. I'm just gonna say it, I am in love with you. And I have been since you came to Nevermore. Have a good rest of your day.
-Love, Anonymous.'
Y/n read, she smiled and blushed a little. She honestly wished she knew who had been writing these love notes because she was falling in love with the writer. She folded the letter back up and slid it into the envelope, then walking over to her desk and opening her desk drawer and placing this letter with the other from Anonymous. She smiled then closed the drawer.

Who could it be? She wondered. She wondered if it could've been one of her friends playing a joke on her, but the way Anonymous wrote, she could tell the writer was madly in love with her.

Y/n grabbed her phone out of her pocket and texted Enid.

'Hey E, can I talk to you?'

'Sure! Come to my dorm. Wednesday isn't here so it'll be just us.' Enid responded.

'Okay! I'll be there ASAP.' Y/n typed back then sent the message. She slipped on her shoes and walked over to Enid's dorm. She barely had to knock once before Enid answered,

"Howdy Y/n!" She said throwing her arms around Y/n, Y/n returned the hug, "Soo what'd you wanna talk about?" She asked pulling away from the hug and letting you in, Y/n sat on Enid's bed.

"So, I've been getting love notes.." Y/n said.

"Love notes! From who?" Enid asked sitting on her bed next to Y/n. Enid knew damn well who had been writing the notes. She has been helping them write the notes.

"I don't know, it always says, 'Love, Anonymous' and it's bugging me.. but whoever it is, I think I may be falling in love." Y/n admitted.

"Hm, okay.. is their writing similar to the way any of our friends talk?" She asked.

"Nope." Y/n answered.

"I have an idea. Meet me at my dorm tomorrow at 5 p.m." Enid said, Y/n nodded. Little did she know the plan would change a lot of things.

It was the next day 4:45 p.m. and Y/n decided to get more dulled up then usual, she added some sparkly eye shadow to her look and some lipstick too. She started heading for Enid's dorm when she ran into Ajax on the way. She literally ran into him.

"Oh my- I'm so sorry!" Y/n apologized.

"I- Uh- No worries!" Ajax stuttered while rubbing the back of his neck, blushing. Y/n smiled at him, he looked so handsome.

"So, what brings you on the girl's side of the dorms?" Y/n asked. Ajax looked at her confused.

"You told me to come to Enid's dorm around 5." He said confused while stuffing his hands in his pockets nervously.

"Huh?" She asked looking confused, "I did?"

"Yeah, you slid a letter under my door.. or.. was that someone else.. Enid. C'mon let's go." He said Y/n was just as confused as he was, so the two walked to Enid's dorm.

Y/n knocked on Enid's door, "Enid!" She yelled to grab Enid's attention. She heard speaking from inside.

"Howdy Ajax, howdy Y/n!" Enid said answering the door.

"Can I talk to you privately real quick?" Y/n asked. Enid nodded yes. Y/n grabbed her arm and pulled her aside, "Did you give Ajax a letter using my name?!"

"No.." Enid said looking down.

"You know what.." Y/n said, "Nevermind." Y/n looked over Enid's shoulder to see Yoko, Divina, Wednesday, Xavier and Ajax looking confused, Y/n turned bright red.

"You okay?" Yoko asked. Y/n nodded yes then walked away from Enid and sat down next to Xavier. Enid turned around excitedly.

"Okay guys! So we're playing 7 minutes in heaven!" She said excitedly. Y/n knew exactly where this was going, "So everyone put your name in the beanie!" Enid said as Ajax threw her a beanie. Everyone placed their name in, including Y/n, "Hey Y/n you pick!"

"Fine." Y/n mumbled, grabbing a name out. She read it and realized the handwriting matched the letters she had been getting, it said, 'Ajax'.

"What does it say Y/n?" Yoko asked.

"A-Ajax." Y/n stuttered. Ajax stood up. Enid grabbed your shoulders and pulled you up pushing you then Ajax into her closet. She winked at Y/n then shut the door. Ajax turned and faced Y/n.

"H-Hi." Y/n stuttered. You and Ajax were already blushing.

"Hey.. so uh.." He said walking closer, "I assume you've been getting notes from an anonymous.."

"Yes, how'd you know.. it was you! Huh? As soon as I saw your name on the paper I drew out I recognized the writing and-" Ajax's lips were on Y/n's. She returned it back, "I started falling in love with the writer.."

"I was always in love with you.. and Enid helped me out, we planned this. All those papers had my name on it."

"Oh." Y/n said, "Well.. I love you too." Then planting another kiss on Ajax's lips.

The next day another letter in a green envelope was slid under her door. She opened it and read,

'Text me! I love you! See ya later.
    -Love, Ajax

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