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pairing: ajax p. x reader
warnings: none
note: this was such a cute idea, im sorry it's so short though!!

you're in your dorm trying to study with ajax for this big history test coming up but you can't seem to put your attention on the pages of the textbook. all your attention is on ajax. how he scrunches his eyebrows when he doesn't understand something or how he smiles when you explain it to him.

"...year was it again?" ajax asks while looking up from his textbook to look at you.

you shake yourself out of your thoughts, "um can you repeat the question again?"
he scrunches his eyebrows again and asks, "what's up y/n? is there like something on my face because you've been staring at it this whole time and i..." before he can finish his sentence you crash your lips onto his.

his eyes go wide out of surprise but he kisses back nonetheless putting his hands on your waist while yours are on his face.

" 'm sorry but you just looked so cute and i couldn't help it" you mumble against his lips before returning to the kiss. a few minutes go past before ajax pulls away.

"i very much appreciate the compliment but we still have a lot of studying to do y/n..." he says.

"we can do that later." you say before returning your lips to his, "you just look so good right now..." you mumble against his lips once again.

ajax blushes from your compliment, "tell me more baby." he says while disconnecting his lips.

"no, no more talking." you say while trying to reconnect your lips but he just keeps moving his head back.

you sigh, "it's not like your ego needs it but i love your hands, and your eyes, especially the way they light up when you finally understand something." you say sweetly.

"thank-you." he says with a smile and finally doesn't try to stop you when you return your lips to his.

ajax pertropulous (TMBLR)Where stories live. Discover now