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Your phone pinged. You flipped it over to see who was texting you. Eyes slightly widening at the text from Ajax. Pressing your lips together in shyness, you placed your phone back down. Not a moment later went your phone again. You almost didn’t dare to look knowing it was from him once again. You ignored it keeping your focus on Enid and Wednesday. It went for a third time making you grab for it to put it to silence. – “Who keeps texting you, Y/n.” – Enid asked curiously.

“No one…” – you replied moving your phone to your lap. It pinged again. – “Very no one indeed.” – Wednesday commented plainly. You smiled sheepishly, feeling your cheeks warm up. – “Just check! You are making me nervous by not looking.” – Enid called out. You swallowed nervously, flipping your phone over. The screen lighted up again. The pile of texts just building up.

You batted your gaze up, looking across the courtyard. By the fountain were Xavier, Bianca, Ajax, and Yoko. Ajax glaring in your direction, his phone in hand. Your phone pinged again as it was clear he wasn’t going to stop till you answered. – “Someone seems eager to chat with you.” – Enid said trying to look at your phone. You flipped it against your chest, not wanting her to see. Your action only made Enid smirk. – “Is it perhaps from a boy?”

“No!” – you replied loudly. Wednesday staring at Enid, not buying one piece of it. – “It’s from my mother.” – you lied. Wednesday stared coldly at you. – “You’re lying.” – she commented. – “I’m not.” – your gaze went up to Ajax afar. You quickly looked away, acting like a fool. You had too. It wasn’t out yet that you were dating Ajax. – “It’s my mom. She’s angry texting me about my grades.” – you lied once more, looking briefly at your phone.

“Your scores are good Y/n.” – Wednesday said without blinking once. – “I know right!” – you over acted out to make your lie more believable. – “Yet she still isn’t satisfied.” – You lowered your gaze, acting as if it bothered you. Enid pouted her lips, placing her hand on your knee. – “I know how it feels to disappoint your mother.” – she said as Wednesday sighed brief. – “This isn’t about you Rainbows!” – Wednesday commented with crossed arms.

You received another text, knowing Ajax was staring at you from afar. Demanding for you to reply his texts. You leaned back, moving your phone high up. You barely read all the texts, just the last few one’s. I’m not stopping till you text me back. Y/n answer me. Don’t make me come over there! Your eyes widened, typing quickly in a panic.

You texted back to not come over with a heart emoji. You immediately received a grinning emoji followed by a heart one. Looking up from your phone, you threw Ajax an annoyed glance. He smirked, loving how he could tease you. – “What did you say?” – Enid wanted to know, moving her shoulders with eagerness. – “Oh… uhm that I’ll do my extra best.” – you answered. Wednesday still staring at you. You put your phone away, knowing Ajax was satisfied for a while now.

From the corner of your eye, noticed you their group making a move on. You tried not to look so obvious, but you couldn’t help it. Your eyes always drew themselves to him. Your eyes followed his leave, turning your head away feeling someone staring at you. Wednesday was staring at you with furrowed brows. Act like a fool. You thought. Wednesday couldn’t know you were secretly dating Ajax.

She just couldn’t. – “So I was thinking.” – Enid started, drawing your attention. – “Y/n with you on the team for the Edgar Poe cup, we’d be a great team.” – she proposed. – “Oh… sure… I’m not sure I’m that perfect for it.” – you answered pressing your hands between your knees. – “You are so catty for it Y/n!” – Enid commented touching your arm. – “Okay…” – you replied with a smile.

“Great now I have a full team!” – Enid exclaimed happily. She looked at Wednesday dropping her smile. – “Don’t worry you can be a spare if you decide to change your mind.” – she said to her. Wednesday barely giving any reaction. – “Don’t sweat yourself.” – she spoke back. The three of you got up, making your way inside. – “Y/n! Five o’clock my room for costume fitting.” – Enid told you with a wink.

You stuck your thumb up. Wednesday and Enid headed over to their room as you parted from them. In the corridor got you suddenly pulled aside. Gasping, your back hit the stone wall. Ajax standing before you, hands pressed against the wall by you. – “You’ve been ignoring my texts Y/n.” – he said with an intriguing look. – “I…you… spammed me like…” – you began stumbling over your words. Ajax cutting you off by pressing his lips on yours. Swallowing the rest of your words back in, you answered his kiss with your own.

Throwing your hands around his neck as his hot lips made your heart flutter. Your lips were flaming hot once he pulled back. You gave him a playful stomp in his armpit as he laughed. – “Do you know how hard it was for me to lie!” – you told him with a stern expression. – “I almost gave myself away.” – Ajax shrugging his shoulders to your words.

“You should’ve answered from the start, then I wouldn’t have needed to spam you.” – he answered. You gave him slight push, not liking his smug face. – “Sorry Y/n. I just missed you much.” – he said moving his arms around you. – “Did you?” – you wanted to know for sure. Ajax nodded, letting his nose brush against yours. – “Very, very much.” – he whispered against your cheek. You snickered when he left soft kisses on your cheek. – “Ajax! Someone might see.” – you reminded him.

He didn’t stop, kissing you all around your face. – “Ajax!” – you insisted, pushing him away. – “Someone could come around the corner and see us.” – Ajax sighed loud at your words. – “Fine.” – he surrendered removing his hands from you. – “Good.” – you noted, making your way to go around the corner. Ajax grabbing you by the wrist, pulling you back. Sadly you weren’t in hiding anymore. Standing at the end of the corridor where it connected to the main corridor.

Ajax smacked his lips against yours, his palm rubbing up your cheek. – “Ajax?” – you both heard, pulling hard away. Your eyes widened seeing Xavier, Yoko, and Bianca gaping. – “I…It is not what it looks like.” – Ajax blurted out. Bianca crossed her arms. – “Oh really.” – she spoke quirking her eyebrow up. Ajax and you shared a nervous glance.

“Right!” – Xavier said dramatically tapping his forehead. – “You were searching for something.” – he proposed with a hint of sarcasm. Ajax smiled. – “Did you find it in her mouth?” – Xavier commented with wits. Ajax looked shy down, feeling the shame of Xavier’s sarcastic comment. – “What did Ajax found in who’s mouth?” – Enid said appearing with Wednesday. Wednesday staring at you. – “Ajax and Y/n kissed.” – Yoko said as Xavier motioned clear to the two of you.

You swallowed, trying to act like a fool. Enid gasped as Wednesday quirked her eyebrow up. – “I knew there was a boy!” – Enid called out, jumping up and down. – “Liar.” – Wednesday said with a tiny smirk. Your play was discovered, making you look away from her. – “So tell us what we missed.” – Bianca insisted on hearing the truth. Ajax took your hand as Enid pointed giddy at your hands. – “Y/n and I are dating.” – Ajax told them. – “Shocking.” – Wednesday responded plainly. You smiled sheepishly from ear to ear.

Enid walked up to you, slapping your arm. – “I’m happy for you, but you shouldn’t have lied to me.” – she said trying to look mean enough to intimidate you. It was of course not working. Even with her mean stare, she still looked sweet. – “Sorry… I won’t do it again.” – you replied, hugging her.- “Y/n.” – Ajax said bringing you closer to you. He kissed you, happy to finally out it. All your friends groaned displeased, all taking their leave, not needing to see your friendliness towards each other.

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