I know your obsessed with me

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I know you're obsessed with me

GIF by psychecreations
A/N: I started to toy around with this thought and was originally gonna make it with Steve Harrington, but figured why not do it for Ajax! So here's my enemies to lovers nor is this proofread

Warnings: profanity, Ajax is ooc

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Wednesday characters nor do I claim to own them.

Word count: 1,735

You woke up early and got dressed in your Nevermore uniform, getting ready for the day before leaving your shared dorm room with your roommate YoKo as you both started walking to your first class of the day. You rolled your eyes as you noticed Ajax also waking towards his class you walking to your own class but kept your sassy and teasing words to yourself, not wanting to ruin your so far good day by talking to your enemy, which was Ajax.

He walked by you, unphased by the usual disdain that you showed towards him. But you caught his eyes, and for the briefest of moments, you looked away, feeling a slight pang of longing. He noticed, and a knowing smirk played in the corners of his mouth.

"Morning, you two," Ajax said, smiling, as he approached you and yoKo as you both walked to your class. He knew that the two were trying not to talk to him, but Ajax refused to be silenced. He had to let you know how much you meant to him every day, and he didn't care if he had seen you keep walking abs chose to ignore him.  Ajax watched you walk past him and was very tempted to say something snarky, but he held back his words. Not only did he not want to ruin the day for you, but he also didn't want to ruin the day for himself. Ajax decided to focus on his class and think about any possible comebacks for later.

Ajax looked at you with a smirk on his face as he walked into the classroom and sat down in his usual seat. He would make sure to poke fun at you whenever given the chance, whether it be by teasing you or tripping you up just to see you squirm a little as you laid on the tile. This was one of his motivations to continue attending classes at Nevermore.

You continued on your way as you bit back on any rude or teasing comments towards Ajax, taking your normal seat and were waiting for class to start as you began to take notes and listen to everything as the teacher started the lesson. You bit your lower lip in concentration, knowing that if Ajax didn't pay attention, he would make someone else ask for your notes instead of asking for them himself.

Ajax was very annoyed at this as he kept glancing over at you during the lecture. He kept overthinking and worked out what he could say to you later on. This was proving to be a rather difficult task, so Ajax decided to give up. He just sat on his own and listened to the lecture, not taking many notes as he soon started letting his mind wander to what it would be like if you both weren't always fighting.

Once Ajax got to his seat, he did his best to tune out the class and wait until he'd have a chance to talk to you again. Luckily, Ajax already knew this topic inside and out, so he could afford not to listen to a word that was being said. While he waited, he thought up even more witty comments he could make at you. He planned to make you as mad as possible the next time he was around you, but first, he needed to figure out what would make you the absolute angriest you could possibly be.

You sighed to yourself once class was over and stood from your seat as you grabbed your things, starting to leave the room as you said bye to YoKo who had a different class next while you had to walk in the opposite direction. Rolling your eyes as you listened to Ajax speak and follow your even if his next class was in the opposite way, but still did you best to hold back on any words towards him but figured the more he pushed your buttons the more it would lead to you actually saying something mean to him.

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