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Originally posted by anthemabby



One shot

Word count: 1476

summary: ‘Could we possibly get a fic of Ajaxbeing an Alpha? Like everyone thinks he’s a beta or even an omega cause he’s just so chill, but then he presents as an Alpha and everyone’s just shocked. And then the reader shows up, and she’s an omega, and his mate, and suddenly everyone’s like, “oh yeah that makes sense.” Cause Ajax might not seem like an Alpha but around his mate it’s like super clear, like he’s protective and possessive and she’s just all over him and stuff?’


Ajax and Y/n had been friends since childhood, Y/n being the only one who wasn’t afraid of being petrified. Neither could say exactly when it happened but from a certain point Ajax’s snakes stopped having an effect on Y/n, more like they just didn’t want to petrify her. Y/n laughed when Ajax had a jealous scene because his own snakes were not petrifying her but were still petrifying him. Despite this Ajax was extremely relieved as this meant he was no longer in danger of accidentally petrifying her.

Watching the two grow up everyone thought they would make excellent mates. Y/n remembers how depressed she was when she introduced herself as an omega, around her Ajax had always been territorial as an alpha but the fact that he hadn’t introduced himself yet could mean that he was a beta. She was so afraid that Ajax wouldn’t want to be her mate because she was an omega and unbeknownst to her Ajax himself wondered if Y/n would still want to be his mate even if he was a beta. For a while their friendship suffered from both their uncertainties but when Ajax finally introduced himself as an alpha all doubts were put aside. As soon as the newly discovered alpha set foot outside the house to meet Y/n she was already there clinging to him and sobbing about how afraid she was that she couldn’t be his mate. Ajax smiled as she returned the hug, he could understand her perfectly.

From that moment on there was no doubt that they belonged to each other.


They both entered Nevermore in the same year but while Y/n was immediately identified as an omega Ajax was mistaken for a beta. Honestly they both thought they were being super clear about being mates but apparently the rest of the school didn’t. Maybe because Ajax never bothered to clarify that he was an alpha and omegas and betas pairs are almost non-existent and since  

Y/n didn’t know how everyone, including his closest friends, could be so blind. Ajax and Y/n were always together. Caresses like hugs, kisses on the hand, forehead or cheek, were in everyone’s eyes. Lunch hours, breaks and parties were constantly spent in each other’s arms. Even the smell of both of them was completely mixed! But still no one understood.


The school not understanding that Y/n and Ajax were mates was something they could both deal with, in fact this situation generated several bets between them on how far they could go without anyone noticing. Unfortunately that situation led to several alphas thinking he was available and trying their luck. That situation led to where she is now, at a “girls’ night out” with Enid, Bianca, Yoko and Divina venting about how frustrating and stressful it was to have all those alphas after her.

“I’ve been rejecting them one after another and yet they keep coming!”

“It’s normal for alphas to be interested in unclaimed omegas” says Yoko.

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