Pairing: Ajax Petropolus x Hispanic!Reader
Summary: Y/N reminds Ajax of koala bears because of the way she clings onto him and hugs him whenever they’re together. Ajax sets up a movie date for them.
A/N: Although most Hispanic women are short, I am 5’3, I am making Y/N an elf, Wizards of Waverly Place style. In WOWP, elves are naturally charming so people are just drawn to them, you can’t help it.Image
GIF by usersvenus
Y/N was in the kitchen of Nevermore, jumping to try and reach the pot that was on the top shelf.“Puta madre, Ajax, Can you get it down for me, please?” Y/N asked, pouting as she turned to Ajax, who was sitting at the counter watching TikTok.
“Sure, care bear.” Ajax says, getting up and reaching for the pot with ease and places it on the stove. Ajax walked back to the counter to sit.
“I hate that you’re so tall.” Y/N said as she filled the pot with water so they can eat some ramen.
“But if I wasn’t tall, how would you reach for things? Last I heard, elves don’t have telekinesis. But how awesome would that be.” Ajax said. Y/N walks to the counter and gives Ajax a hug, placing her head in the crook of his neck.
“Elves have telekinesis, I just don’t my full powers yet. After ramen, we’re going to bed.” Y/N said, giving Ajax lazy kisses.
“I’m fine with that. I’m just hungry, is the water boiling yet?” Ajax asked.
“Patience.” Y/N said. She went to the stove and noticed the water was boiling so she poured their packets of ramen in. She continued cooking until it was finished and they both ate their ramen. Ajax then washed the dishes since Y/N cooked. “Thank you, Papito. Now to bed.” Y/N said.
“Alright, come on.” Ajax said as he crouched in front of Y/N so she can climb on his back. “Time for bed, my little koala.” Ajax said and he walked to his dorm room and set Y/N on his bed.
“Okay, just give me a second.” Y/N said as she went through Ajax’s drawers to get a t-shirt to sleep in. She went to his bathroom to wash her face and do her routine because Ajax bought the products Y/N uses and leaves them there for her. “Okay, I’m ready.” Y/N said and she went under the covers to cuddle with Ajax.
“Let me do my routine, okay? Then we can cuddle all you want.” Ajax said, kissing Y/N’s forehead. He did as he said and when he was finished he went under the covers and Y/N just gravitated towards him and wrapped her arms around him.
The next morning, Ajax woke up with Y/N being on top of him. Ajax reached for his phone on the nightstand to check the time.
“Damn, care bear, wake up, we have class.” Ajax said and he shook Y/N lightly but she snuggled in more. “We have class.” Y/N wakes up very slowly.
“Can’t we just stay in bed?” Y/N asked.
“Nope, you need to go to your dorm and get dressed, after school we can watch a movie.” Ajax said. That’s when Y/N really started paying attention.
“Can we Watch Pitch Perfect?” Y/N asked.
“Anything you want.” Ajax said.
“Okay,” Y/N got up. They kissed goodbye and Y/N went to her shared dorm with Yoko and put on her uniform and did her hair in a cute hairstyle (whether your hair is curly or straight because honestly, my waves can only last so long so then I put it up in a ponytail, space buns, or something braided)
Ajax put on his uniform and sprayed on some cologne. When Ajax went into the hallway to walk to the quad for breakfast, Y/N spotted him and ran towards him to jump on his back. Ajax quickly adjusted to carry Y/N.
“I was wondering where my koala went.” Ajax said as he laughed. Ajax put Y/N down and Y/N gave him a hug. They walked to the food line, Y/N still hugging Ajax. They ate breakfast and went to class together, still holding hands, and it continued that way until classes were finished.
“Do you need help setting up the crypt for our movie tonight?” Y/N asked, hugging Ajax, her chin resting on my chest, look up at him with doe eyes.
“You think you can get the snacks?” Ajax asked.
“Of course, I’ll just head into Jericho. You gonna need anything else?” Y/N asked.
“No, I’m fine, care bear.” Ajax said, kissing her forehead. They went their separate ways, Ajax was setting up the crypt with Kent’s help, and Y/N went to the grocery store.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Y/N said when she was looking at the shelves and saw the big bag of potato chips were in the top shelf. “Ugh, I can’t even get that jumping!” Y/N groaned but then she saw Tyler Galpin walking with his dad. “Tyler, hey, can you reach that for me?”
“Yeah, sure, I’ll be right back.” Tyler told his dad and walked to where Y/N was and reached the potato chips she was pointing to. “Anything else I need to reach?” Tyler asked.
“I just needed chips and popcorn. Maybe a soda but that’s when I’m at the register, thank you!” Y/N said.
Ajax was placing the blankets and pillows on the ground to they could be comfortable.
“You think that’s fine?” Ajax asked as Kent was putting up the white screen.
“Yes, you guys will have a very cute date.” Kent said. When they finished, Y/N was walking in with her grocery bag. “Bye Y/N, have fun.”
“Thanks Kent.” Y/N said as Kent left. “I got everything, sadly the good stuff was on the top shelf so I needed Tyler’s help but I got it.” Y/N said, hugging Ajax.
“Perfect, let’s start the movie.” Ajax said. They got comfort, Y/N leaning in and hugging Ajax as he played the movie. They were snuggled up with each other, watching the movie, Y/N was singing along, it’s a very cute date

ajax pertropulous (TMBLR)
Fanfictionjust a bunch of ajax stories on Tumblr ⚠️ DEFINITELY NOT WRITTEN BY ME⚠️ but I did put the usernames of the creators in the titles so you can search them up yourselves markings 🚨 -smut def. 💗- fluff 🥴- I dont even know - 100% clueless of wh...