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Originally posted by carlarosonn

request by anon: Hey, could I request an Ajax Petropolus X reader fic? Where the reader gets injured in the ending battle against Crackstone and Ajax finds her and comforts her. And helps look after her while she is injured. Pure fluff <3

so yes, pure fluff. It’s a bit short but I hope you’ll like it.

“Where’s Wednesday?” Enid was scared, covered with blood and looking around frantically in search of her roomate turned best friend.

“And where’s Y/N?” Ajax was also begining to slightly panic, realising that not only young Adams, but also his girlfriend was gone “Has anyone see them?”

“Look!” one of the other students pointed his finger towards the gate of the school, where four silhouettes was emerging from the shadows. Wednesday Addams, proudly pacing in the middle, Bianca on her right side and Eugene on the left.

For a second everyone went completely silent and still. Well, everyone except the blonde werewolf, who, upon seeing her dark counterpart started running towards Wednesday, hugging her tightly.  At first Addams tried to move away but when she saw Enid’s tearful and relieved expression pulled her in again

“Guess miracles happen” Y/N smirked from behind and at the sound of her voice Ajax’s eyes went wide “Wednesday Addams becoming a hugger in front of everyone”

“I;m gonna let that comment pass just because you just helped me safe the school.” Wednesday muttered with her cold stare. There was however a bit of sparkle in her eyes. 

“And yourself too, Addams, don’t forget that”

“Y/N” Ajax interrupted girls’ bantering, finally gathering his girlfriend attention

“Ajax….” She whispered and tears immediately sprung to her eyes as now she started running towards him, longing for his calming embrace, his warmth and safety she always felt in his arms. The boy knew exactly what to do when he grabbed her tightly allowing the girl to hide face in his chest letting the tears flow freely.

“Hey, it’s ok, it’s ok” he caressed her hair in lovingly manner, whispering in her ear “it’s over, you’re safe.”

“It was so scary, Jax” she whimpered

“I know. My brave girl, you did so well.” Ajax pressed a little kiss on her temple, slightly pulling away to look into her eyes “I thought I lost you….”

“You could never…..” she started speaking but all of a sudden her vision became a bit blurry.

“Y/N? Are you ok?”

“I….. I …… I feel a bit dizzy….”

“You need rest, all right? Let me just…..” he moved his arm towards her waist to support her and prevent from falling but as he did, he felt something warm and thick on girl’s side “Y/N! You’re bleeding” great, now he was freaking out again. Not much of a help.

“Calm down, stoner” Wednesday stepped in, clearly being the only one who could remedy the situation “we need to get her to the school hospital, like now. You’re attitude only makes everything worse. Enid?” the female werewolf was no better than the gorgon, pacing around nervously as her other friend was losing more and more blood every second “Enid!”

“Oh fine, alright, you’re right. Let’s get her patched up. Should we lift her, or…..?”

“I’ll do it” Ajax had to put his best effort into lifting Y/N up but didn’t show a single sign of it. She was hurt. He was there to make sure everything will be fine, not leaving her out of his sight for a single second.

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