midnight rain georgie

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summary: when you noticed how Georgie started to ignore you, you decided to go and see him.
WARNINGS! angst, rude!Georgie.

WHEN YOU MET GEORGIE, it was like that the whole world lighted up, he wasn't famous or anything, he was just Georgie.

Your Georgie.
When he called you telling about his role on Wednesday you almost teared up, of course you were happy, he was your everything and you just wanted to see him shining.

But then, the things started to slip, after two months that he went to set, he called you.

"Hey, I'm sorry... can we... uh, can we leave our relationship as a secret? You know, I just don't want anyone hating you and everything..."
Of course, you agreed, you never cared about it anyways. You were happy with him and hopefully he was happy with you too, also, he was just being a caring boyfriend, right?

Weeks passed and he started to ignore everything you sent, from messages to know if he was okay to birthday videos you always sent to him. He never answered them, but you thought that it was because of his job and that he was busy so you stopped sending messages and waited until he was free again.

When he finally finished filming, you tried to call him to ask if he was okay, how it went and everything, but again, no answer. So you decided to surprise him, booking a flight to Romania.

You were so oblivious about the fact that he didn't wanted anything with you, that you thought that it was a good idea to go to his apartment. With a beautiful wrapped present in your hands and his favorite hoodie, you knocked on the door.

Who opened it was one of his cast mates, one that you didn't even know the name.

— Oh, hello?- the boy asked confused.

— Hi! I'm Georgie's friend, I don't think he mentioned about me though...- you nervously said, hoping to not sound like a crazy fan- You don't need to let me in though! I just wanted to see if he was okay, he didn't responded to my messages and I got worried- you smiled shyly.

— Oh, yeah, I can get him if you want...?- he waited for your name.

— Y/N! Are you one of his friends?- you asked and he chuckled.

— Yes! I'm Oliver, wait a second, I'll get him- he left the door open and went inside, you waited patiently.

A girl stopped on your side at the same time you tapped your phone to see the time, a photo of you and Georgie kissing and smiling on your lock screen.

— Oh my! That's cute! Are you Georgie's girlfriend?- the girl smiled and you turned around.

— Oh! Yeah, but I don't think he talked about it, you're very pretty!- you said with a smile on your face.

— Aw thanks! I'm Emma and yes, I don't think he mentioned about having a girlfriend- she said and before you could talk more, Georgie appeared on the door- You should come in! We are having a dinner and you seems pretty cool- she said.

— Hey Em, can you go inside? I'll talk to Y/N really quick- Georgie said softly and Emma looked between them.

— It's cold Georgie, you shouldn't leave her here- she frowned but Georgie completely ignored it.

— Oh no, it's okay, I didn't expected him to have guests! I'm probably interrupting something anyways- you said and Emma laughed.

— Oh please, you're not interrupting anything, Georgie wouldn't mind it! Come on- she dragged you inside and you heard Georgie sighing- Hey guys! This is Y/N, she is Georgie's girlfriend!- she excitedly said and everyone turned to look at you, making you wave shyly.

— Hi! I'm sorry, I was just supposed to see if Georgie was okay and give him something- you said and turned to look at Georgie who didn't had the greatest face.

— Georgie why you never said that your girlfriend is so pretty?- that person you knew, Jenna Ortega, one of your favorite actresses.

— Yeah, yeah, give us a minute- Georgie pulled you into the kitchen- What are you doing here?- he asked closing the door.

— I-I-I mean, you... you never texted back and I was worried and your birthday passed and I wanted to give you your present- you stuttered, he never seemed so angry before.

— I guess that if I didn't texted back it means something! Are you stupid?- he asked and you froze- And we're supposed to be a secret, why Emma knows about us?- he questioned.

— It was an accident! I didn't saw her and I went to see the time and my lock screen is us!- you defended but you were also on verge of tears- What do you mean it means something? I... I don't get it- you whispered.

— We're over! We're over Y/N! That's it!- he exclaimed throwing his arms in the air, you swallowed your tears.

— Oh- was the only thing that came out of your mouth- I'm sorry... I just thought that- he interrupted you.

— Well thought nothing Y/N, I'm trying to take my career seriously and you just annoy the shit out of me, can't you see it?- he scoffed and you simply nodded.

— Okay, I'm sorry- you muttered and looked at the present in your hands- I guess I'll go now, happy birthday by the way- you smiled sadly and put the wrap on his hands.

You open the door and starts to walk, but Emma jumped in front of you.

— Are you going? I thought you would eat with us, it's pretty cold outside- she said and you smiled.

— I'm sorry Emma, I would love to but I have a flight today, like I said, I just passed to give Georgie something and I would be going- you lied, you were supposed to go back in the next week.

— Oh, that's sad, did he liked the present? I bet he loves it!- she clasped her hands and you wanted to break down right there.

— Oh, he didn't opened it, I think he'll open later, thanks for the offer though, you're really sweet- you said and she laughed.

— Oh Y/N, I really wanted to know you better since Georgie never talked about you, but you're really sweet too! I hope we have another chance to talk!- she hugged you.

Georgie watched you walk out of the door and the clock hits midnight, the smile you gave to him broke him completely.

You were his sunshine.
You brightened every room you walked in and he just broke it because of his selfishness, you never wanted anything but his happiness.

— What the fuck did you do dude?- Oliver asked- She was all bubbly and nervous when she came in and she walked out of the kitchen with a raining cloud over her head- Georgie gulped down his own words and gripped tightly the wrapped box on his hands.

— Nothing, just... nothing- he whispered and walked to the couch and opened the gift.

Of course you bought him the watch he wanted for so long, he took it and noticed how shaky his hands were, you two never fought, you were the total opposite of him but you were always there cheering him up.

You were so calm while he was a pile of anxiety, when his days were grey you painted it with the brightest colors existent, when he just wanted to disappear you pulled him back up.

They looked outside when it started to rain badly and he grew worried, he left you alone in this cold and rain, he felt so stupid.
You were his sunshine, unfortunately, he was only the midnight rain.

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