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request: Ajax x reader in which he’s afraid of hurting/stoning them and believes they deserve someone better. So he starts distancing himself and he keeps going until reader finds him crying and hugs him and reassures him that they love him.

A/N: reader is twin sister of Xavier with lie detector abilities. I cut the crying part, but everyting else is just as requested :)

“How does it feel to be in a relationship with a creature that can hurt you?”


Wednesday Addams, in her dark attire and with equally dark and gloomy expression stood before me with eyes fixed on my face. Since she was a bit smaller than me, I had to look down and it brought some ironic humor to the situation. Intimidated by such a tiny figure. In my defense, however, it seemed like she had such an effect on the entire school, cut Enid, but there’s always an exception to a rule.

“What are you talking about Wednesday?”

“Do you know that gorgons can turn people into stone?” she did not even flex a muscle on her face and the longer you look the creepier it became.

“Well, that’s the point of calling them the stoners” I mocked “and apparently unlike you, I took some mythology lessons. So yes, I’m fairly aware of the gorgons capabilities.”

“And yet, you got involved with one of them.”

“Careful, Addams. If you keep this topic up I may think you are concerned about my well-being.”

“Not really. I’m rather curious of your masochistic tendencies. That is something that makes you a bearable company in this school.”

“Bearable?” I let out a sarcastic laugh “I’m flattered.”

“It was not my intention to toady you.”

“I’m well aware. But now, you have to live with the fact that it came up this way. And as for your question, I’m fairly aware Ajax would never stone me. And even if so ….”

“So, you see that possibility either way.” She was quick to point out. Damn it! I forgot to be careful with words around her.

“There’s always a risk of getting hurt, in every relationship. In this one, at least I know where it might be coming from…..”

“Hello my wonderful friends!” Enid busted through the door  with the force of nature, rushed past me and threw herself on the bed with a dramatic thud. Honestly, Enid always had the perfect timing, this time saving me from the necessity of explaining the relationship rules to Wednesday, not that  Addams would understand any of them. “What are you two babbling about?” Ok, I take that back. She did not save me at all.

“Suicidal tendencies.” Wednesday explained and Enid’s surprised expression was just absolutely priceless. Honestly, at this point she should have get used to Addams’s sense of humor.


“Just ignore her, Enid. She’s in the mood today.”

“Whose suicidal tendencies?”


“Oh, come on. Tell me. I need to know!”

“Y/n’s. She’s involved with gorgon like she did not know better. She’s wasting her potential for boys.”

“Oh, now you are flattering me, Addams.”

“Oh, oh, you mean Ajax?” Enid finally caught up on the conversation “speaking of the devil, he seemed a bit sad and overwhelmed when I saw him in the quad. Maybe you should talk to him Y/N. It might be because he stoned himself by accident and …..”

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