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synopsis; just how you and your best friend’s relationship developed into something more.
notes; FIRST AJAX REQUEST !! i’m so happy, i love him sm
taglist; lmk if u wanna be on it

Who told you it would’ve been a good idea to go to Weathervane again?

You should’ve known better but obviously you didn’t listen to your friends’ objections — you never learn. You shouldn’t have gone out to Jericho, you should’ve just stayed inside the school with your friends. But, you didn’t and that’s why you were in your current predicament.

Citizens of Jericho tried hard to like the outcasts but you knew deep down that they all despised your kind. It was evident everywhere. They would try to sabotage and harm any kind of outcast they could find. It was hard enough being pushed around by the shallow sirens at Nevermore yet it was even worse outside of the school walls where you knew no one was there to protect you; you were on your own.

Most of the time, you’d visit Jericho or leave the school accompanied by someone but today was different. You wanted to get away from your school yet it only brought you more problems — more than you could handle.

Your first idea was to visit the local coffee shop: Weathervane. Why did you choose this place in particular? Well, it was mainly empty and no one was present so you thought you’d have some alone time and tranquility but you were proven wrong. Tranquility was hard to achieve, even in the small town of Jericho. It was especially harder when you were an outcast.

You went to Weathervane and the first thing you did was order a small cup of coffee, only coffee which earned you a snicker from the barista — you tried to remember his name… Tyler, was it? You were unsure.

You ignored the offensive remarks of the barista and attempted to focus on the large window beside you, admiring the town of Jericho during the evening. Even though, the town has a messed up history, it was still quite beautiful during this time.

You pushed your glasses back up and tried to take a sip of your coffee which you assumed would be cold by now but were met with a few tall figures.


You didn’t mind the human citizens at all yet some were pretty annoying. You particularly disliked the type of people who’d go out of their way to disturb someone else’s day — harming someone else even though they had nothing to do with them. Those type of people were common in Jericho — most of the students of Jericho’s local Highschool would try and harm the outcast students. They pissed you off.

Seriousely, how pathetic were they to bother someone that didn’t mean any harm to them at all?

You scanned the 3 teenagers in front of you, they all looked about your age and they were all smirking and chuckling as they commented on you. Your eyes then darted to the barista, he, too, was smiling alongside the three teenagers. You immediately knew that he was the one who caused this.

You sighed as you took another sip of your coffee, attempting to ignore the constant insults coming from the teenagers in front of you. They called you all sorts of names ranging from “blood sucker” to all sorts of foul insults — one even asked you to suck their blood. You would’ve done that but that would’ve gotten you expelled; you couldn’t take any chances.

After you finished your drink, you attempted to leave the café once you were sure that they weren’t interested in you anymore but you underestimated the situation as the normies quickly surrounded you again, shouting remarks at your face.

You tried to remain calm, even in a situation such as this. You politely asked them to move aside yet all they did was laugh.

You tried to then shove pass them but they pushed you back; shouting something among the lines of ‘stay back freak!’

You tried very hard to remain patient and calm among these people but you had had enough. The school wouldn’t mind if you killed one of them, right?

Suddenly, you heard a familiar voice urging you to close your eyes, you listened obediently and shut your eyes tight.

After a moment, you opened them to see all the three teenagers had been turned to stoned. You smirked knowing exactly who caused this.

To be honest, you didn’t feel any remorse for them at all, it’s what they deserved. Deep down, you wished that the stoning was permenant.

You walked across them to see the kind face of Ajax, luckily his snakes had already been covered so you didn’t have to worry about turning into stone any time soon.

‘So? Where’s my thank you?’ Ajax smirked. You sighed looking at him, 'y'know I had it under control.’

'If by control you mean sucking out all the blood from them then yes! Y/N, you had it under control,’ he laughed while you just rolled your eyes at his remark.

'Shut it, Ajax.’

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