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I couldn't help but smile as she walked closer to me.

"gorgeous..." I murmured, my fingers brushing against her cheek as I gazed into her beautiful eyes. Her soft fair skin and captivating gaze made her absolutely perfect.

"Dannielle... do you love me?" she asked, her eyes fixed on mine, as if anticipating my response.

"Céline... ah... I'm sorry, I can't answer your--"

"What?!" She exclaimed, pausing in her speech, and biting her lower lip in frustration.

"After all these years of being by your side, I've been waiting for you to love me. I've understood you, but until now, you still can't tell me 'I love you'?... I can't handle this kind of setup anymore, Danielle!"

"I-I'm so sorry, Céline, listen... there is no such thing as love, it's only a cold calculation, you know what I mean..."

"You know what! I'm done with this conversation! I'm going back to Manila, Dan, and I'm ending this uncertain relationship between us."

"But, Céline..."

She grabbed her bag and threw away the flowers I gave her. I couldn't find the words to stop her. I sighed and watched as she walked out of the restaurant.

As I driving back to my condo, I played classical music and tapped my fingers along with the beat of each song. I've always enjoyed listening to classical music. It's incredibly relaxing and helps me relieve stress.

This scene is not new to me; it's just how Céline is. After a few days, she'll call and say she misses me. I like her, I'm always attracted to her whenever I see her. She's beautiful, sexy, with a smiling face, sweet but immature. But my feelings for her only go as far as attraction. I tried to like her, but it just didn't happen.


I quickly answered the call and placed one AirPod in my ear.

["Doc Lee, patient 70 has a weak pulse."]

I immediately stepped on the accelerator of my car.

["BP?"], I asked, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

["Below 70, Doc!"]

["2 minutes.."] I didn't waste any more time. I could already see Albany ahead. "Yellow light!" I tried to catch the signal light, but before I could pass the pedestrian, it turned red.

"No no!" I shouted, quickly stepping on the brakes of my car. "Damn..!" I almost hit the steering wheel.

I slowly lifted my face to see the woman who suddenly appeared. She was still standing, giving me a disapproving look.

I immediately unbuckled my seatbelt and pulled up the handbrake. I got out of the car to approach her.

"Damn! You almost hit me!" she yelled, throwing her ice cream at my car's windshield.

I quickly approached her, and upon seeing that she was okay, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Miss, I'm sorry I didn't notice you. If you have any injuries or anything, here's my calling card. Or you can just go to the hospital and show them this card." I quickly said, placing my hand on hers and placing my calling card in her palm. Her face clearly showed surprise and confusion at my words.

I swiftly returned to my car and quickly drove off.

When I arrived at Albany Medical Hospital, I hurriedly walked to the operating room. My patient was already there, in need of emergency surgery.

"Cardiac arrest!" The patient's heart suddenly stopped, and it flatlined in the middle of the surgery.

"Defibrillator!" I commanded, and the defibrillator was quickly prepared to start reviving the patient.

"200 joules charged!" I placed the defibrillator on the patient's chest.

"No change, Doc!"

"250 joules! Charged!" I ordered again, increasing the voltage, and placed it on the patient's chest, but the flatline persisted.

"It's still the same," one of the doctors with me said.

"Doc Lee, the color has changed!" the resident cardiologist with us exclaimed.

"Epinephrine, Atropine, Calcium chloride!" I commanded, and the nurse quickly retrieved the medications and handed them to the anesthesiologist to administer to the patient.

"300 joules charged!" One more time.

"2 minutes!" one of the doctors said. We needed to act quickly because if the patient's heartbeat didn't return within 4 minutes, it would be difficult to revive them, as the brain would start to lose oxygen flow, potentially causing brain damage and loss of stem reflexes.

"300 joules ready!" I placed the defibrillator on the patient's chest again, and within a few moments, we heard the heartbeat again.

"That was close!" I exclaimed in my mind.

Time passed, and we finally finished the surgery, with everything seemingly going well. We transferred the patient to the intensive care unit for continuous treatment and observation.

Upon leaving the operating room, I immediately spoke to the patient's family. While conversing with them, a nurse approached me and whispered something.

"Police?" I asked in surprise. The nurse nodded.

"Oh no! That girl!"

Code Blue: Love (INTERSEX)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon