Chapter 1

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I'd always felt insecure but still comfortable in my body yet under the glaze of men I felt very uncomfortable and insecure and hated my body but that changed when I met Grayson Deluca. He made me confident.

Today was the first day of my new job, every since my breakup and the move to New York, I've been searching for a new job and I found one as an assistant and I got accepted. I was told be there from 7:00a.m so I got up extra early to get ready.

I wore a short, black skirt that hugged my curves and a plain white shirt and I left it unbuttoned a little bit so it could show my cleavage. Some would probably say I was dressing as a whore or I wasn't dressing as someone who wanted to keep their job but I didn't care. I was confident and I liked how I dress, I was comfortable in my body and skin and I showed that in the way I dressed.

"I'm leaving now mom", I shouted leaving the house.

My mom and I got into fights constantly and when I dated Grayson he was my escape from that. Every since we broke up and my mom and I moved to New York, we got better and argued less. A lot of our arguments had to do with my dead father and other stuff but my mom would just say that I'm ungrateful and all she ever did was try to protect me.

All my life she's been super controlling and I barely went anywhere, she calmed down a bit now since I'm an adult and plus she liked Grayson so I guess he changed her.

We don't fight as much but my mom is very outgoing and she always says what's on her mind.

"Okay bye hunny, have a good day and good luck", I heard her shout back before the door was shut.

After an hour of driving on the train, I made it to the office. I entered and it was beautiful inside. Hanging lights, velvet chairs. It was luxurious.

"Um hi, my name is Athena. I signed up to be an assistant for the boss, um Mr.Deluca. I said to the lady at the front desk.

I actually had no idea who I was supposed to be working for and I probably sounded very stupid because all I know was his last name which was Deluca and I knew someone with that last name however I didn't think much of it. I guess I was just naive.

"Oh, you must be here for Mr.Deluca", she rolled her eyes.

I was confused and she was no help. "Follow me Athena. I'm Grace she's been obsessed with him for forever and she's mad when he hires new females", Grace said.

"Oh uh hi, lol", I chuckled.

She showed me my way to Mr.Deluca's office and told me to be seated and that he'd be with me in a few moments.

I got up and admired his office, it was dark yet beautifully decorated and I loved the marble he had on his desk. I was always into designing, not sure why I never took it up as a career.

The view from his office was immaculate, it was wonderful and it was even better because the sun was about to set soon and it would've looked amazing.

"Uh you must be Athena, sorry I'm late", that voice sounded very familiar.

I turned around and I couldn't believe who I saw. He looked at me and I looked at him in utter shock. I never wanted to see him again, I never thought I'd see him again.

He was horrible and I wanted him to pay for everything he's done to me and now it turns out I'd be working for him. 

What the actual fuck.


Okay guys, how was the first chapter? It's short but it'll get longer the more chapters I post. What do y'all think so far? Please vote and comment.

Anyways thanks for reading !
Love Virgo , xoxo <3

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