Chapter 13

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"You'll be on the next flight back to Italy today and I'll send someone for you. His name is Mariano", I said over the phone.

"This better be good Athena. I don't see what's so important you couldn't talk over the phone", she said.

"Oh so you don't miss me, you don't want to see me, is that it", I inquired.

"That's not it Athena but this doesn't sound good. It doesn't sound like uh 'oh I miss my mom and I want her to come and visit me' conversation. It sounds serious", she said with a voice change.

"It is serious", I said. I couldn't believe she didn't tell me. I needed to get to the bottom of this and see if this was a game of his or he was being for real.

"And I thought you lived in New York, why Italy, it's dangerous there", she said. I knew she was judging me.

"Once it's something that I enjoy or I think will be good for me, you always judge", I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not doing this with you and I'm not judging you all I'm saying is that it's dangerous", she said.

"You'll grow to love Italy like I have", I stated. "No I won't because I won't be living there", she said.

"Whatever mom, see you later-", she cut me off. "All I've ever done was try to protect you and yet you fail to see that. You're my only child and I love you, I can't lose you Athena please be safe", she said. She sounded honest.

"Love you too mama, see you soon", I said hanging up the phone.

"She's on board, Mariano said he'll pick her up later so she'll be here soon and we can talk", I told Grayson.

"How are you, seriously", he asked. "I'm here with you and that's making everything a lot easier", I said. He held me.

"I can't wait for this all to be done", he said. I nodded as I continued to embrace him. "It'll all be over soon", I said cupping his face.

"I hope you're right about that", he said. Grayson kissed me passionately and then he got on his knees and kissed my bump.

"I love you so much little one", he whispered.

It was a long day and I was exhausted. I wanted nothing more than a long nap, a good bath and a massage.

I desperately needed my hair done, nails done, lashes done. Everything done. I had promised myself that after everything I would get my shit together plus my birthday was coming up and I wanted to look nice even though I had no plans on doing anything.

*later in the day*

"This is your house, why the hell didn't you send for me earlier. This is fucking great", she said admiring the outside of the mansion.

"It's not my house because I live in New York, I'm just staying here", I said face palming myself.

"Mamma, this is Grayson, Grayson Deluca, my boyfriend", I said. "Soon to be husband", he interrupted.

"He's hot I'll give you that but he's dangerous", she said. Is she for real?

"And how would you know", I scoffed. "I've heard that name before. The greatest mafia boss in all of the world. How did you even meet my daughter", she shrugged.

"Mom you met Grayson before except at that time I didn't know he was a mafia boss", I chuckled slightly.

"Oh right you're the asshole who cheated on my baby girl and left her heartbroken for four fucking years", she shouted remembering who he was.

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