Chapter 29

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"I love you Athena. I loved you then and I love you now. I'll love you forever and if there's a life after that, I'll still love you", I hold her face and kiss her.

"I love you too Grayson. I'll always love you", she says against my lips.


A simple four letter word that used to be so hard to exit my mouth. Hard to even think off. Hard to even say, every since my mom died but that's all changed since I met Athena.

I love Athena. I love everything about her and I want to continue to love her forever and ever.

We both lay on the beach on our blankets next to the picnic basket, our hands interlocked as we watch the sunset.

It's a private secluded beach and we're not supposed to be here but do you know who I am? I don't give a fuck.

No one is here, just the two of us and it's quiet, listening to the sound of the waves as they create a melody.

Athena gets on top of me. "What are you doing Athena", I asked sounding a lot less than a question.

"I don't know, maybe something you'll like", she winks. "Don't start something you can't finish", I glare.

"I think you might be the one not finishing tonight", she crawls on top of me and connects her lips to mine. I so want to grab her throat and fuck her into oblivion but I let her have her fun. For now.

"You're already hard as fuck and I barely did anything", she grins.

"What can I say, you're in a bikini, sexy as fuck and you're grinding on me", I shrug.

With her ass up, exposed for me to see. Athena gets lower and pull my trousers off. My hard and erect dick springs out. I see her smirk.

She's stroking my cock while she sucks my balls. "Fuck", my head falls back. She's barely doing anything and I'm already a mess.

She starts swirling her tongue around my tip before my cock is in her mouth. "Take it. Take all of it", I demand. And she does, Athena is taking all of my dick in her mouth and I'm thrusting up to fuck her mouth harder and I can feel myself hitting the back of her throat.

I take a fistful of her hair from her face so she can see better. "Fuck", I groaned. Athena continues sucking my dick and I'm feeling pure bliss and I'm on the edge of combusting right into her pretty little mouth.

"I'm gonna cum Athena and you're gonna swallow it all", I look at her. Her eyes fully dilated.

"If I let you", she mumbles against my dick. Threatening to remove her mouth from me. "Don't you dare Athena. Don't you dare or I swear you're never cumming", she knows better than to play with me so she doesn't remove her mouth and I cum, inside of her mouth.

And like the good girl she is, she swallows it. She gets up to kiss me and I kiss her back, tasting myself on her lips.

"You're turn", now she's beneath me and I'm on top of her. My dick pressing against her thigh and she's a whimpering mess but she's not getting my dick that easily.

I pull her panties off, inhaling them, taking in her scent. Pure fucking bliss.

I spit on her pussy, getting it wet even more than before, my tongue latches onto her clit. "Fuck", she was a moaning mess.

"Is this what you want", I asked. "Go lower", she whimpered. "Beg me", I demanded.

"Please go lower", she pleaded. I did as she said, thrusting my tongue into her tight hole, moving at the pace she liked. My tongue was right where she needed me the most.

I pulled out and started using my fingers, thrusting them into her hard and fast. She loved when I used more than one finger. My fingers were curling inside of her and her eyes were rolling back as her hips jerked up, begging for more.

"I-I'm gonna c-cum", she whimpered. "Cum for me baby", I gave her full permission. "Grayson!", she screamed my name when she came.

"I'm not done with you yet", I said flipping her over. Her ass now in the air and she's on all fours. My dick is aligned with her entrance and right away, I slam into her, thrusting hard and deep just how she likes it.

I pull Athena up and my hand is gripping her throat, tight but not tight enough that she can't breathe and I'm fucking into her while she bounces on my cock, screaming out my name.

Athena pushed her hands up the sides of my face until her fingers push into my hair, making my eyes close momentarily.

"You're mine", I growl, making her gasp when I cupped her sex. "This is mine", I fuck her harder, her eyes flutter close with the overwhelming sensation.

She nods. "Use your words Athena", I demand. "I'm yours, all yours", she whispers. I pushed into her, slowly retracting, before vigorously pushing into her again.

"Wait on me princess, I'm cumming", I groan. I continue to slam into her feeling myself on the brink and I know she is to.


"Cum with me baby, cum with me", I cum inside her and she also cums. I stay inside her a little longer, both of us catching our breaths before I pull out.

We both fall onto our backs on the blanket as we watch the starry, night sky. "That was amazing", I said.

Athena shifted to look at me. "It was, we honestly needed that", she said. "Athena, I want you to know that nothing changed. I love you the same way even more than before you had Zane and I will always love you", I put a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

"I love you too", her cheeks heat up instantly. "We needed this vacation honestly", she chuckled. "We did", I agreed.

This vacation was so much better than I had expected, pure bliss. Athena had never been to Egypt so I thought why not bring her here.

We stayed in an all-inclusive, luxury resort and she loved it, she said it was gorgeous. I took her atv riding, we rode camels, we went to the desert, hidden caves. We went to the pyramids, we explored all of Egypt and now on our last day we're laying on a private beach, hands in each other's after we just finish fucking.

I never thought I was worthy of anything not until I met Athena and right now I know my mother would be so proud if she could see me.

I truly am blessed and I'm going to give Athena and my son the world.

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