Chapter 10

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Today was the day we were leaving for Italy and I was taking Athena with me. She was right, I needed to ensure her safety and by doing that, she needed to be with me.

I was finally going to catch that son of bastard who killed my mom and when I did, I was going to make him pay.

I haven't seen my dad much or anyone from the family and Athena hasn't seen her mom or her family in a long time so when we're back from this trip I was gonna have a reunion so we could have some family quality time.

Away from guns and everything, just family.

"Are you ready", I asked. "Yeah, my bags are packed and I'm ready", she smiled brightly. Athena looked pretty, dressed in her brightly colored yellow dress and her pink shoes along with her pink purse. She also had a warm, cozy jacket in her hand, in case she got cold on the plane.

I just wore a simple black turtle neck with black sweats and my sneakers. I wore my silver rings along with a usual silver necklace, it had a 'G' on it and now Athena had one but in gold and that's when I realized she was wearing it.

"You're wearing the necklace", I smiled, pointing to it. "Yes, it's beautiful. Thank you", she smiled.

My men took our bags and suitcases to the car. I took Athena's hand and made our way to the car together.

For once I didn't have to drive and I was able to hold and caress Athena the entire trip. After about an hour we finally made it to the airport, where we boarded the plane.

"Of course you have your own plane", Athena chuckled. "Yes I have my own everything", I replied.

"You have your own yacht", she asked. "I do in fact", I stated. "Of course, why did I even ask. Will you take me on it someday", she asked.

"I'll take you anywhere you want", I grinned. A smile plastered across her face.

"No don't go in there-", she entered. Athena was looking around in the plane and she entered the room where I kept some of drugs that needed to be transported via plane but I didn't want her to see them. She was already so attached to me, the guns, being a dom, everything. I was afraid the deeper she got, she wouldn't be able to get out and I didn't want her to become addicted because of me.

I loved Athena so much but I'd didn't deserve her. She deserved someone she could have a family with, probably a lawyer or doctor, someone who didn't deal, who wasn't a dom and I wasn't that someone. I couldn't bare her leaving me but it would be for the best.

"W-What's this", she stammered. "Drugs", I said bluntly.

She walked around slowly, observing everything and touching them. "C-Can I use", she asked.

"No", I shouted. Athena looked at me confused and in shock. "I'm sorry, you can't. For two reasons, they're sold and secondly I don't want you to use. You're not going down that road Athena", I said.

"You can use but I can't", she argued. "Firstly I don't use unless I really needed to and secondly I'm not turning you into me. You have a future, a career, first it's being my sub and then just being caught up in the mafia, you're not going any further", I said.

"You're just pushing me away, as always. I don't have a career Grayson, I don't have a job, I have nothing. I live with you, I don't have job. You give me everything and I'm thankful but I have nothing of my own", she started shouting.

"Fine, I'll buy you a house. I'll let you go work, be independent but I'm not turning you into me", I said.

"You've already turned me into you. I'm in too deep and I'm not leaving, I don't care if you push me away so if I want to drink, I will, if I want to use, I will, if I want to be a sub, I will", she said.

She wasn't listening so I had no choice but to make her listen. "Athena, listen to me. You're not using, everything else is enough but your not using. Once you go down this road, you can never come back from it", I told her grabbing her wrists.

"Fine", she rolled her eyes. "Eyes", I demanded. "Fuck you Grayson", she walked off.

Giovanni walked in looking confused. "B-Boss, we're about to land soon", he said. "Good, make sure everything is prepared", I said.

"Mariano, lock all this up. We're leaving soon", I said.


So how we feeling now? At this point Athena is fully locked in and attached and she ain't going nowhere at all 😝
Anyways thanks for reading, don't forget to comment and vote !
Love Virgo, xoxo <3 !

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