Chapter 8

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I woke up to faint knocking on my bedroom door and the blinding sun from my curtains being opened. I was in my bed, I remembered falling asleep in the living room last night but I assumed Grayson moved me.

"Come in", I replied. It was Mariano. "Hi princess, I'm sorry to disturb you, I thought you were awake", he apologized.

"It's fine, I am now. What's wrong", I asked.

"Grayson wants you to come to his room", he mentioned. "Is he there", I asked. "Yeah he's waiting for you and he has something for you", Mariano replied.

Mariano left and I got up and put on a hoodie because I was cold. I made my way to Grayson's room and when I entered, it looked like he bought an entire shop.

His entire room was covered with gift bags and gift boxes and might I mention they were all designer. "Oh my, is it my birthday", I questioned.

He made me forget my own birthday, I've never been gifted this much by anyone and I was never good at accepting gifts so this was a lot.

"It's a thank you gift", he walked in. "More like thank you gifts", I chuckled.

"What's it for", I asked. "For everything, for trusting me, giving me a chance, not running away, not hating me, not being disgusted by me. You bring so much happiness to my life and I've been an even better person with you here", he said taking my hands.

"Aww, thank you. I love you", I said. "I love you more", he kissed me.

"I want you to teach me how to be gentle for you, how to love you properly", he said.

"Grayson you're already gentle, your love is gentle. I know you think you're so heartless and incapable of being loved but that's not true. I love you and I know your mom did, you're amazing and you deserve everything", I said truthfully.

We held our foreheads onto each other's for awhile before Grayson broke the contact. "I have work to do today so I'll be out for a little while, you can call me if you need anything", he said.

"Well all of these bags and boxes aren't going to unbox themselves so it looks like my day is already set out", I laughed. Grayson also laughed.

Grayson left after we ate breakfast that Cynthia made and I took a shower and got ready before opening my presents and I was tired, they were so much but I loved every single one of them.

The first one I opened was a necklace, a gold one and it had a 'G' on it. I presumed it was for 'Grayson'. Knowing him he'd want me to wear it to show everyone who I belonged to so I put it on. I always loved gold jewelry because it stood out more to me and I felt as thought I looked sexier in it so I was never gonna take this off.

After finishing up with my gifts, I decided to head down to the cafe not too far away from where we lived and grab a tiny bite.

I told Mariano I was leaving, just in case Grayson came back and I wasn't back as yet.

Before I left, I grabbed my purse but I felt super nauseous so I ran to the bathroom to throw up. It's been happening now for an entire week.

I kept throwing up and having all these headaches and feeling super sick. I thought that maybe it was time I bought a pregnancy test so I decided to do that on my way to the cafe.

A baby would sound nice, but I prayed that I wasn't pregnant. Grayson never wanted to be a father because of his job now I know that and he feels as though he doesn't deserve it. If I was pregnant then it would mean the baby was his and maybe he'd leave me because of it and I didn't want that so I hoped that I wasn't pregnant.

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