Chapter 27

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It's been officially three months since Zane has been here and it's been quite the ride.

I've been even more exhausted and under a lot of stress but Grayson is always there to help out. I'm also super moody and I get into these moods where I feel fat, ugly and totally disgusting. I feel as though Grayson doesn't love me anymore but he constantly keeps reminding me that he still does.

He's probably really sick of me but at least he doesn't show it. Everyone has been so kind to me and helping me out but I still feel overwhelmed. My doctor says it's because I'm a first time mother and I'm still pretty young.

Nevertheless, I'm happy my son is here and healthy and I couldn't be anymore happier.

I wake up to Grayson sitting in the rocking chair with Zane in his hands. "Did I fall asleep", I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"You did actually, Zane was in your hands so I took him from you so you didn't hurt him", he chuckled.

"I'm tired, I want to go back to bed", I said as I drop back down onto the bed staring at the ceiling. "Then go back to bed", he said.

"I can't, today's the first day I won't have the baby and the first day at work", I said.

Today was both me and Grayson's first day back to work. He had to make sure his business was still doing well and he was still making money.

And I was finally getting back to work. Things at the salon were going great but I wasn't there and I'd finally get to be there today. Cynthia would take care of the baby while we were both at work.

Grayson got up and placed Zane in his crib and then he took a shower and while I waited for him to finish, I scrolled through my Instagram account and then I made a to-do-list for the day. Making them made me feel more like myself and kept me better organized.

After Grayson finished his shower, I got up and took mine. I also decided to wash my hair because Zane threw up all in it last night.

I got out the shower and opted for a crop sweater that was dark pink, light pink and white and bell bottom jeans with slight distressing. I paired the fit with my everyday pink Chanel bag and a pair of light pink heels that Grayson was hellbent on me not wearing but I still did anyways.

I didn't want to do too much so I put on a simple gold chain with my gold Chanel earrings and my pink and gold Chanel bracelet. My nails were already painted pink so everything matched and because my lashes weren't done, I put on a pair of strips but short ones. Lastly I curled my hair then I combed through it so it gave a loose curls kinda look and I sprayed on my Versace bright crystal perfume.

Since Zane, I hadn't been out much and I wanted to feel a little more comfortable yet beautiful so I dressed up today.

"You look sexy and you smell nice", Grayson came in and hugged me from the back, his head laying on my shoulder.

"Thank you", I looked at him through the mirror. "You don't have to go to the salon today and I don't have to go to work. We could stay here all day and you could ride my face", he says. His hands now groping my ass and my hands hooked around his neck.

"While that sounds nice, Zane will never let that happen", I chuckled. Grayson and I haven't had sex in three months, yeah he touched me and I sucked him off but every time we tried to fuck, we'd be interrupted by Zane's crying. It's annoying sometimes because I miss my husband, I miss making him feel good and him making me feel good but I can't complain, I love my son and that's all that matters.

"Then we'll wear headphone and ignore him", he lifts me onto the bathroom counter, standing in between my legs.

"Then you won't be able to hear me scream your name", I whisper against his ear.

Grayson unzips my pants after parting my legs some more and he puts his hand inside cupping my clothed pussy.

"Fuck", I moan. "You're drenched, just by my words", he grins. "We can't do this, not now", I kiss him. "I miss you Athena, I miss your body", he sighs. "I know, I miss you too", our forheads on each other's.

"How bout this, we'll book a vacation, just the two of us and we'll leave Zane here then we can fuck everyday on the beach until the sun rises", I hop of the counter.

"I'll hold you to that", he says as I begin to walk out of the bathroom. "Bye Grayson, I love you", I turn around and blow him a kiss.

"I love you too", he shouts back.

It's been a long day. I've been in the office in the salon answering emails and checking orders, making sure everything is fine and then I head over to the warehouse to make sure my shipments are right.

Later Grayson and I meet up for lunch and then we do some slight shopping before we head back to work.

Finally the day is over and I head home. I see my baby and he's excited to see me after I left him at home all day.

"Hi my love, I missed you so much", I took him from Cynthia. "Hopefully you didn't give too much trouble", I said. He continues to speak his baby language.

"Actually he was really good. He slept well, we played and watched cartoons, precisely Curious George", she laughs. "It's his favorite show now, I think his favorite animal will be a monkey", I say. He laughs so that means I'm right.

"Is Grayson here", I asked. "He is now", Grayson walks through the door. "Say hi daddy", I walk over to Grayson. He takes Zane from me and lifts him as he gives him kisses and stuff like that.

"You can take a break Cynthia, I'll clean up and watch Zane", I said. She nods and smiles. I love Cynthia as my own mother.

I clean up in the kitchen and then clean the living room before going upstairs and taking a shower and getting dressed into my pjs. I watch Zane while Grayson takes a shower and then when he's done we both go to our room and watch a movie while eating popcorn.

Before all three of us, including Zane, falls asleep in the bed.

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