Chapter 11

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"Wow, it's beautiful", I said to myself. It'd been my first time in Italy and I had always heard good things about it but I never actually saw it. It's way more beautiful in person.

I was still mad at Grayson, he kept pushing me away as if I wasn't already caught up with him fully. I mean I was fucking pregnant with his child but that he didn't know. I couldn't risk him leaving me, not because of the baby, I loved him and I didn't want to lose him.

Suddenly, I started to feel extremely nauseous and my stomach started to hurt along with my head.

I threw up everywhere. "Ahh", I winced in pain. I held my stomach because I was in pain. It felt like I was about to die. Grayson, Mariano and Giovanni came running in.

"Princess", Mariano called out. "Fuck, Athena are you okay", Grayson asked worriedly.

"Yeah I'm fine - Fuckk", I groaned in pain. "No you're not", he said lifting me off the floor. "For fuck sakes, where the fuck are the cars", he shouted.

My eyes started to fade shut and my hearing became faint. "Keep your eyes open Athena, keep them for me baby", he pleaded.

I held his hand trying my best to stay calm and keep my eyes opened. "We're almost there, keep your eyes opened", was the last thing I heard before my eyes finally shut.

I finally awoke to blinding lights. I was in a hospital bed, I was in the hospital. Someone was gripping my hand tightly, I looked up to see Grayson. He was fast asleep, he was probably super tired and I decided to let him sleep, I owed him that much.

"Hello, mi amore", he woke up. "Hi baby, I tried not to wake you", I kissed his forehead.

"How are you", he asked. "I feel better now. I'm not sure what happened earlier, did the doctors say anything", I questioned.

"No they said they'd be back soon", he replied. "I'm sorry, I ruined your trip", I apologized.

"No you didn't ruin it, you're here and that's all that matters", he smiled.

"Okay guys. Athena I'm glad you're okay but your blood tests have came back and they're positive", the doctor walked in.

"What exactly are you talking about ma'am", I asked.

"This is a private matter sir, unless you're her husband or boyfriend-", Grayson cut her off.

"I'm her husband, I'm staying here. Anything you say to her, you can say to me", he said.

He said he was my husband? It was unexpected but I liked it and I didn't bother to correct him.

"Okay then. Athena um, this is going to be hard to handle but you have the worst blood type and because of your very bad blood lost when you were a child. There is a 95% chance that the baby will die", the doctor said.

My heart dropped to my feet, it shattered into a million pieces. The baby wasn't a matter at first because Grayson didn't want children and because of that I thought of getting rid of it but after carrying this baby in my stomach for a month, I couldn't. It became a part of me and I fell in love.

I didn't want to get rid of my baby and the worst part was I didn't tell Grayson and he had to find out this way, he was going to be devastated I kept this from him and now to make matters worst. My baby had 5% chance of being born and hopefully without any complications.

It was possible that I could've lost my baby and I didn't want to.

"B-Baby, w-what. What are you taking about", Grayson stammered.

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