Chapter 22

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My eyes finally opened and I no longer felt the pain I was in. I looked around the room realizing where I was and I saw that I was connected to machines with liquids running into and from my body.

I turned my head to see Grayson sitting in a chair reading a book before his eyes shot up to me.

"You're finally awake", he smiled. "What happened", I asked.

"You don't remember anything", he looked confused.

"No-", I got cut off. Our doctor entered the room. "Hi Athena, it's nice to see you're awake", she smiled. I returned the gesture.

"We've done everything we could and I don't understand your situation and I promise you Athena I'm doing everything possible but your chances have lowered. You now have 75% of loosing your baby", she held nothing but sympathy in her eyes.

My heart broke, it shattered. I didn't understand, one minute everything was completely fine, great even and then the next, everything was being stripped away from me.

How, why was this happening? Was I ever gonna give birth to my son, was I ever going to be able to carry a child? Was I ever going to be a mother?

I was completely blanked out, I could hear the doctor speaking but I couldn't comprehend anything she was saying. I felt someone hug me and I didn't know who it was but something told me it was Grayson.

My eyes stayed stuck to the door and the monitor in front of me. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to think.

I started to blame God. Why bring Grayson back into my life if this was going to happen? Why make me pregnant if my baby had no chance of being born?

What did I do wrong? Why was all of this happening to me?

Later that day, my mother visited me along with Grayson's father and his brothers and they wished me well.

They brought balloons and flowers and Grayson even left to get food, my favorite food but nothing they did could make me forget the shit day I was having. It could not fill the empty void in my heart.

It was now night time and Grayson was outside having a conversation with Mariano, I sat on my bed and had a conversation with God.

"Why God? What did I do wrong?"

"Why do you assume you did something wrong?"

When I was a child, my mother always taught me to pray when times were hard and even when they were good. She taught me how to listen for God's voice and his answers when I prayed to him and as I prayed to him now, I could hear his words.

"My baby has no chance of being born even though I'm nine months pregnant. I may never ever be able to carry a child. It is obvious I did something wrong. Was I not suppose to be with Grayson? Was I not suppose to involve myself with his lifestyle, was this not the life you chose for me? Did I disobey you, is that it?"

"You are losing your faith Athena. Open your bible"

He was right, I was losing faith but how could I not when all this was happening to me.

At this point I had blocked out everything and everyone around me and it was just me sitting speaking to my heavenly father.

I did as I was told and I opened my bible, I always carried it with me. He didn't tell me where to turn but I just did, I kept turning the page until I stopped and came across a bible verse.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declared the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11

"But I don't understand", I said.

"Athena, your future is my hands. Do not lose your faith. Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous hand. I did not bring you this far to leave you Athena so rest you weary heart for I am with you".

My mind was brought back to the hospital. I finally understood, I couldn't give up, I couldn't lose faith. The chances of the baby being born were slim and very low but until this baby was out of me and pronounced dead I would not lose hope.

"How are you my love", Grayson entered the room. "I feel better", I smiled. I truly did, whenever I had a conversation with God, I always felt better after.

"That's great", he kissed my forehead. "When can I go home", I asked. It was almost Christmas and I really didn't want to spend it in a hospital.

"Tomorrow", he answered. "Well Athena, you're good to go for early discharge. We'll continue to monitor you but you can go tonight if you please", Emma entered the room.

"Do you want to go tonight", Grayson asked. "I do", I said truthfully. I really wanted to leave the hospital.

Grayson helped me pack my stuff and then we signed all of the papers we had to and then we left.

"Are you okay", we sat at a red light. "Yes I'm fine", I said honestly. "Are you", I felt like all the focus was on me and none on Grayson, I needed him to know that I cared about his well-being also.

"I'm okay as long as you're okay", he looked at me. "I love you", I smiled.

"I love you more", he said placing his hand on my thigh.

                            {AUTHOR'S NOTE}

- Look at that, double update because I love you guys, X !❤️

Anyways, just the usual, vote and comment. I really want to hear you guys' thoughts and we can chat and stuff :)

Anyways, until next time...V !😉💕

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