Chapter 25

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I texted Grayson and told him to meet me in his favorite room and he knew what it was to because not too long after I sent the text, he was in the room. He watched me with hungry, lust filled eyes. He cursed lowly under his breath.

"Merry Christmas Mr.Deluca. Tonight I'm yours and you have full control to do whatever you want to me. I trust you", I started talking. He continued to watch me as he paced around the room.

"What's your safe word Athena", he questioned in his low husky voice. "Red", my favorite color.

I sat up on the bed placing my elbows on my knees before lifting my hands into the air with the cuffs on that read 'fuck me'.

"No baby, not so fast", he grinned. "Whatever you want", I purred. "Stand up", Grayson demanded.

Grayson grabbed my throat harshly but not too harsh that I couldn't breathe. "You're being punished Athena, do you know what for", he inquired.

"N-No", stammering, I tried to hide the moan that escaped my lips. "All night I've been trying to pleasure you, take you but you know what happened Athena. You kept denying me and no one denies me Athena", he landed a harsh slap to my ass.

"Fuck", I winced. "You're such a slut the only discipline you seem to understand comes from a hard cock, my cock or my hand", another slapped. "S-Sir", I cried out.

Grayson caressed my ass where he had slapped soothing the pain he caused. "M-May I have another o-one s-sir", I pleaded.

"Yes you may princess", he was grinning and his hand was still connected to my throat, the other one coming down and landing to my ass.


One slap after the next. "T-Thank you s-sir", I was a moaning mess. My mouth was gaped opened and my eyes shut tightly.

"Get on your fucking knees", he demanded. I did as he said. Grayson unbuckled his belt and his pants fell to the floor.

He took his boxers off and his large dick sprung out. My eyes widened. Grayson and I fucked many times but every time his size never failed to surprise me.

He grabbed my neck roughly pulling me closer to his dick. "You like being used like a fuck doll, don't you", he brushed his dick against my lips. "Y-Yes", I whispered. "Can't hear you Athena", he continued to tease me with his dick. "Yes", I whimpered.

"Open that slutty little mouth for me", before I could fully open my mouth he thrusted his cock into my mouth. Every time he pulled out and went back in, he went deeper. "Swallow Athena, I know you can take all", he continued to fuck my mouth. He pulled out for a spilt second allowing me sometime to breathe and catch my breath before he was shoving himself back into me, fucking my mouth.

"That's it, you're doing so good. I'm cumming Athena", he praised me. He was over the brink and close to his climax. He relentlessly fucked my mouth harder and deeper causing his white liquid to spill into my mouth.

"Not a drop on the floor. Swallow all of it", he demanded. I swallowed every last drop. "Good girl. You did good but I'm not done with you", he helped me off the floor.

"Get on the bed, on all fours", he demanded and of course, I did as he said. Tonight was about Grayson and his pleasure after all it was Christmas and it was his birthday however even though I did my best to pleasure him while pregnant, he never stopped trying to pleasure me also.

"You're so wet by the way you're pussy is glistening, let me feel you baby", Grayson ran his fingers from my ass, up and down my slick. "Fuck baby, you're drenched. All for daddy", I couldn't see him but I knew he was grinning.

"What do you want Athena. Do you want daddy's fingers or daddy's dick", he ordered.

"D-Daddy's d-dick", I whimpered. "I can't hear you Athena", he teased my entrance with his cock.

"I want your dick. Please fuck me Grayson", I begged. If anyone told me I'd be begging for my ex's dick after we broke up I wouldn't believe them.

If anyone told me that five years after our relationship ended I'd be deeply in love with him, I wouldn't believe them either but here we are.

He gave me what I wanted with no warning. Grayson thrusted his cock into me hard, moving at fast paces, very fast and he didn't stop or slow down.

"That's it, d-don't fucking stop", I urged. My eyes started to roll to the back of my head and I could already feel myself growing close. "Fuck, you're so tight baby", he groaned. My pussy was clenching around his dick.

A moaned escaped my lips, his long, thick dick filled me. He watched me unfold with a smirk on his face that was sexy, he knew exactly what he was doing to me. He continued to thrust into me, quickly and brutally. My body was clenching around him. His dick found my g-spot.

And once he did, he didn't leave it alone. My moans filled the room, my head tossed back with my mouth wide open as moans poured from my mouth. "Oh God", I cried out.

"Not God Athena, me", he fucked me harder. His hand covered my mouth preventing me from crying out. My body reached its high, my legs started to shake vigorously as he started to fasten his pace even more than before.

"I-I'm gonna c-cum", I was literally a moaning mess. "You can hold it for me, you want to make me proud right", he watched me fall apart.

"Y-Yes sir, I-I want to m-make you p-proud", I stumbled on my words. "I'm cumming Athena, cum with me. Cum on daddy's dick while I cum in you", we came together. I released all over his dick and his liquid gushed into my pussy.

He pulled out of me allowing me to enjoy my climax as we both caught our breaths. A loud moan left my lips, I fell limp onto the bed. I was breathing like I had just ran a marathon, my legs were still shaking as my body hummed with ecstasy.

"You were amazing Athena, so fucking amazing", Grayson caressed my face before claiming my lips. He took full control, allowing me none but I could careless.

"Let me get a bath going for you", he said. I hummed in response, too tired to respond. Grayson came back after preparing my bath. He lifted me bridal style before placing me into the tub. "Are you hungry", he asked.

Not too long ago we just had a pretty big meal, our Christmas dinner so I was still pretty full. "No, thank you", I responded.

"I'll take my shower after you're done", he said getting up to leave. "Get in with me, please", I pleaded.

Grayson got in and slid right underneath me. We didn't talk we just sat there in silence, feeling the comfort from each other's warmth.

We finally finished up with our bath and we were both cleaned and in our pajamas and ready for bed.

"I love you Grayson. Happy birthday and Merry Christmas", I hugged him. He hugged me back. "Thank you baby and I love you too", he kissed my forehead before he got on his knees, bending down to my tummy.

"I love you too little one", he kissed my pregnant belly. He got off the floor and suddenly I felt a liquid leaking out of me, water.

"Fuck Athena. Clearly you want more rounds", he grinned.

"I think my water just broke", I looked up at him.

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