Chapter 9

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"It's me Mariano. Let me in Athena", Mariano pleaded.

I finally got up and opened the door. "I don't want to talk to him and you're not going to force me to", I said.

"You haven't even said why you're mad. He came back home drunk after he left again and only God knows what he did, I don't want him to do anything stupid or something he'll regret so please talk to him at least hear him out", he said.

I felt bad, he was right. I didn't even say why I was mad and maybe he was drinking really badly and I would've been the cause of that.

"He sent these by the way", he handed me roses.

They were red and white roses with a card on it that read, "You gone be mad all day or ride my face all night..? - G".

My pussy was throbbing, I'd much prefer the second option. Even when I was mad, I still couldn't stay mad because this turned me on and now I really wanted to ride his face.

I decided I'd finally go and talk to him. I looked up at Mariano after reading the note and I caught him smirking.

"You know you want to, go talk to him", he chuckled.

"Fine", I rolled my eyes with a smirk on my face.

I walked into his bedroom and he was fast asleep, knocked out even. Maybe he was really tired from last night, apparently he went back out and got really drunk.

I sat in the bed next to him holding his head against my chess and caressing it as I played with his hair. I didn't want to wake him but I failed at that.

"Hi mi amore", he smiled looking up at me. "Hi", I kissed his forehead.

"I don't want you to be mad at me please tell me what I did wrong", he said.

"Are you a father, do you have a child?", I asked. I was afraid of his answer. "Are you pregnant?", he questioned.

"W-What, why w-would you even say t-that. You know I'm not", I lied.

I took the pregnancy test when I came home and it read pregnant and I bought like six, all of them said the same thing. I was pregnant with his baby but I couldn't tell him anything, he'd leave me.

"Then no I'm not a father", he said. "B-But yesterday I-I s-saw you-", he cut me off.

"The baby wasn't mine, I promise", he said. "He stopped crying when you took him", I stated.

"He's obsessed with my tattoos, not sure why but he is. His mom thinks he either wants to be like me when he grows up or an artist. She's one of my cousin and that's her baby", he said.

"Oh my gosh, I feel so stupid. I was mad at you the entire night because I thought you lied to me and that baby isn't even yours. I feel dumb, I'm sorry Grayson", I apologized.

"Hey, you have every right to assume what you want to. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it. She's our lawyer and we were having a meeting but she brought him so he could get some fresh air. You don't have to apologize for how you feel", he said kissing my forehead.

"No secrets okay", he smiled. I faked smile along with nodding my head. I lied, no secrets knowing I was keeping the biggest secret ever.

I had to tell someone and the only person I could think off was Cynthia, she'd understand, I had to get rid of the baby but maybe Grayson would find out. I couldn't keep it without telling him but how would I get rid of it without him finding out.

I couldn't risk him leaving me just for a baby. I wanted to be with Grayson forever and if giving up the baby meant that or never having kids meant that then so be it. I was only a week pregnant, there was nothing but blood so it wouldn't matter.


This was very short but still. You guys really thought I was gonna let Grayson have a family ?😂 Nah him and Athena or locked in for life , 4lyfers 🤞🏽 or not ;)🤭 !
Anyways, thanks for reading !
Love Virgo, xoxo <3 !

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