Chapter 15

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"Wake up beautiful girl, you have your appointment today", I said.

"But I don't want to", she groaned. "Well you have to", I kissed her forehead, playing with her curly locks.

Athena got her nails done short and they were black French tips with diamonds on them, her toes matched. She got a sew in with curly hair and she looked really fucking sexy.

I had no choice but to get up before I took her right there in the bed, I wouldn't have had a problem though and I know she wouldn't have one either.

"I'm gonna run us a bath, you have five minutes", I said. She finally joined me after like ten minutes.

"Finally", I looked at her. "Yeah, yeah", she rolled her eyes. "I told you about your eyes Athena", I demanded.

"What are you gonna do about it", she grabbed the member in my pants. "Don't play with me Athena", I grabbed her throat and pinned her to wall. She needed to know I was in charge.

"I'm horny Grayson", she pouted.

"This isn't the time now", I said.

"Only five minutes, please", she begged. "Look at you , even pregnant and you're still my whore, begging for daddy's dick", I squeezed her right breast, before turning my attention to her left one, flickering my tongue over her nipple.

She let out a throaty moan. "Cazzo", I groaned.

"You want me to fuck you, is that it", I thrusted my fingers in her tight hole.

"Y-Yes", she screamed. "You want me so bad that you're willing to take only my fingers", I went faster. "I-I'm cumming", she groaned.

I pulled out. "Grayson , what the fuck", she let out a stifled cry. "Tell me your mine Athena, tell me you belong to me that you're my slut and I'll let you cum", I thrusted my finger back into her moving at a very slow pace.

"F-Fuck, I'm yours. I'm all yours. Your slut only. Please let me cum", she stammered, trying to get a grip on her climax. She was a moaning mess.

I sped up my pace, she wasn't able to handle me. Her eyes started to roll to the back of her head.

"F-fuckkk, I'm cumming", she cried out.

"Cum for me pretty girl , cum for daddy", I said and she did that. All over my fingers. I removed my fingers from her and sucked them. "You taste so fucking good", I grinned.

"Come on, let's hurry up and shower. We're gonna be late", I said finishing up my shower.

I stepped out the bath and she did, not too long after.

I simply put on a white plain shirt and grey sweats and Athena put on a plain white shirt also with mom jeans. She recently got her hair and stuff like that done so she looked even more beautiful.

Even without putting in effort she still looked beautiful. "You smell nice", I said truthfully.

"You do too", she smiled. "You wanna be like me so bad", I chuckled.

"No I picked this shirt first plus you're my boyfriend, I'm allowed to be like you", she smiled.

"Of course you are", I took her hand and we went to the car.

"Okay Athena, sit here", the doctor pointed at a chair in the room.

She started to connect Athena to all the wires and then she injected her, she did the same for me. The whole process was confusing but if it meant the baby had a chance then I'd be willing to do it. I saw as my blood transferred over to her body.

The doctor then set Athena up to more machines, she said it was to see how the baby was doing and to make sure it was actually growing. It was evident the baby was growing, her belly got bigger by the months.

"Listen to that, that's your baby's heartbeat", the doctor smiled. "It's beautiful", a few tears fell down her face.

"Oh my gosh, that's our baby", tears threatened to fall from my eyes. "Yup that's our baby", I took her hand and kissed her forehead.

"Do you want to know the gender of the baby", Emma asked, our doctor.

"Yes, yes, please", Athena was so excited. "Okay, you both our having, what looks like. A baby boy", she smiled. "Congrats Mr and Mrs. Romano", she said happily.

I knew I couldn't hold in my tears any longer, they fell from my eyes and so did they from Athena's. I've always wanted a son, if he was born I'd do whatever it took to take care of him. I'd leave the mafia if it meant he'd be safe and wouldn't have to take over because I wasn't letting him.

"Okay Athena, your chances of having your baby or now very high. You now have 75% chance of your baby being born", she said.

"T-That's great, T-That's amazing", she stammered. I nodded.

We were thankful for every chance the baby had. Our baby went from having only 5% chance of being alive to now 75% and though it wasn't 100% it was still way more than what we started of with.


"Oh my gosh, Grayson this is so cute", I pointed at a baby jumper. "It is adorable but I want my son dressed in designer", he said.

"Yeah that's fine but I wasn't raised rich so I wore these so he's gonna wear them also", I argued.

"You're right, I just feel like if I have the money he deserves the very best", he replied.

"And he will get that because he has you", I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me in for a kiss.

I had already bought lots of clothes for the baby online but neutral colored clothes because I wasn't sure if the baby was going to be a boy or girl and just in case the baby didn't have a chance at being born at least I could give the clothes away but now he has a higher chance at being born and it's a boy so I get to buy cuter clothes.

Grayson's family already went shopping and they did not come to play. He had a ton of strollers, cribs and car seats and he only needed one but I was very appreciative of everything.

"This is a cute diaper bag", Grayson said. "It is", I replied. I looked at the price and it was reasonable so I put it in the cart.

Grayson and I left and went to steakhouse to grab some lunch. "This is great, thank you for today", I said truthfully.

"Anything for my pretty girl", he said holding my hand.

"Have you decided what you wanted to do for your birthday", he asked.

"Nope, since I'm pregnant I've been tired a lot so I just want to spend my birthday with you, at home. We don't have to do anything important, I'm only turning 23 anyways", I told him.

"That doesn't matter, you should celebrate your birthday every year", he said.

Knowing Grayson, he was gonna do something for my birthday. He already did enough though, he gave me money to go shopping and get my maintenance done so if he did nothing I wouldn't be mad but knowing Grayson he was going to do something even if I said not to.

"I love you Grayson, I hope you know that", I smiled. "I love you so much more Athena", he claimed my lips.

It was everything and more. Passionate yet dominate.

                          {AUTHOR'S NOTE}

Hi guys, it's been awhile but I promise it was planned. I don't want to update too fast so you guys can catch up and understand what's happening if that makes sense.

How do you feel about the baby having higher chances of being born?

Anyways, I have exams coming up so I don't know how regularly I'll be updating or writing but stay tune and I have new books coming so def stay tune, they'll be just as good as this one or even better.

Anyways, thanks for reading !
Love Virgo , until next time ! <3

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