Chapter 5

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It's been five years. Grayson was the love of my life and he left and all of a sudden magically came back, something couldn't have been right but I needed him, I wanted him. We belonged together and I didn't care what baggage he came with, I wanted all of him.

I was wrong to trust him so fast and let him back into my life but I couldn't help, I missed him so much and I would be lying if I said I wasn't glad he was back.

"What's it like - you know being in the mafia and stuff", I asked.

"It's hard. You live your whole life, never being able to trust anyone, never falling in love, never wanting a family. Someone always wants to kill you", Grayson said.

"If it's so bad then why do you still do it", I asked.

"It runs in my family, I pretty much have no choice. If I was to ever have a son and I died, he'd take over", Grayson said.

"What happens if you had a daughter and what if your son's mother didn't want him to take over", I questioned. I was curious.

"Well if I did have a daughter, she wouldn't have to take over because in the mafia women aren't supposed to be surrounded with that stuff and as for the mother, she wouldn't have to worry about that because I'm not having children", he replied.

"I hate that you don't want children, you're so good with them", I stated, taking a sip of my drink.

Grayson and I were talking for hours while eating our food. He brought me to a little restaurant not too far from where I lived. It was beautiful and Italian and everyone was so nice and the atmosphere was amazing and so were the vibes.

"Why, you want to be the mother of children", Grayson grinned.

"Haha, very funny Grayson", I rolled my eyes.

"Eyes, I told you about the eyes", he glared at me.

"I'm so sorry sir", I teased him. I took my leg underneath the table and stroked his leg.

"This isn't the time Athena", he demanded.

"Fine, you're so boring", I pouted. Making sure not to roll my eyes again.

Grayson's phone started ringing during our conversation and I could see that he didn't want to pick it up but he did however. "Speak", he demanded.

I couldn't hear what the person was saying and I decided to mind my business and not try to but it looked seriously urgent. "I'm on my way", he said getting up.

"I'm sorry princess but we have to go. I'll make it up to you", Grayson said. He took my hand and led me to the car, opening my side of the door before getting in.

"Oh you better make it up to me", I scoffed.

He glanced me a look before smirking. Grayson sped off, he was driving really fast as if he had an emergency. I could see him tightening his hands on the wheel, making his knuckles go white.

"We're gonna get pulled over with the rate you're going at", I chuckled but it was like he didn't even hear me.

I didn't know if this was one of those times where he was about to lose control but he didn't even look at me.

"Grayson are you okay", I asked touching his leg.

That's when he looked at me. He realized me, touching him calmed him a little. "Yeah I'm fine", I didn't need to be Einstein to know he was lying.

We finally made it to what looked like a mansion but on steroids. It was huge and beautiful, it was Grayson's home.

"Your home is beautiful", I smiled. He returned it but he didn't say anything.

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