Chapter 23

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I decided to put on a short, flowing, white dress with a black, cropped denim jacket. I put on my black boots and grabbed my black purse.

It was Christmas Eve and the family were coming over for Christmas because Grayson was hosting the Christmas party. I was helping Cynthia bake and cook so I had to grab a few things and I needed to get a few last minute presents.

I ordered everyone's presents online but I couldn't find anything for Grayson because he had everything, literally. How was I supposed to shop for a man who literally had everything and in every color.

If he didn't buy it, it was gifted to him. I would ask him what he wanted for Christmas but he'd say nothing but for his baby to be born. Did I mention, Grayson's birthday was also Christmas Day and I felt obligated to give him something even if he didn't want anything.

He gave me such an amazing birthday he deserved one also even if he didn't think that way. His brother said he hated celebrating his birthday but I was going to make this year different.

I had a whole surprise planned for him and I had a trip planned for him but I wanted to be able to give him something on the actual day as his trip wasn't on his birthday and well the surprise was something he would enjoy but I wanted to give him something he could have forever.

"Okay so this is the list of everything I need to get right Cynthia", I asked.

"Yes you just need seasonings and eggs and flour. Nothing much", she said.

"Oh there you are. Are you going with Athena", Cynthia turned her attention to Grayson.

I turned around looking at him. Our eyes locked with each other's.

"No I have work to do", he answered her, our eyes never leaving each other's.

"Hello beautiful", his hands found my ass before he smashed his lips onto mine.

"Eww you two, get a room", Cynthia's face held a look of disgust.

"Hi", I chuckled.

I took his hand and led him to the garage. "Can I drive the G-Wagon today", I asked pointing at it.

It was so long since I'd last driven, probably a year even but I didn't lose my touch, I still knew how to.

"If you be a good girl", he grinned. "Grayson don't", I warned him but who was I. His hand found it's way underneath my dress brushing my clothed clit.

"Fuck, G-Grayson stop. Now isn't t-the t-time ", I stammered. "Be a good girl for me or I won't let you cum", he pushed my panty aside before he shoved his finger into my pussy.

"Fuck you're so tight", he groaned as he worked his finger inside of me. He added another one. He sped up his pace causing my climax to near. My legs started to shake, thank God I was up against the car.

"G-Grayson", I was a moaning mess. "That's it baby, let everyone know who's making you feel good, who you belong to", he grinned.

"I'm gonna c-cum", I stuttered. "Beg me to let you cum", he demanded.

"I n-need to c-cum p-please", I was unable to get out coherent words.

"I can't hear you Athena. Beg me to let you cum or I'll remove my fingers from your tight pussy", he ordered fastening his speed.

"F-Fuck, p-please can I cum. P-Please let me c-cum G-Grayson", I pleaded. "That's it, cum on daddy's fingers", he smirked and I released on his fingers.

He waited a second before pulling out of me. "Open", he demanded. I did as he said. He pushed his fingers into my mouth letting me taste myself.

"Taste yourself baby girl, you taste so fucking good", he grinned.

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