Chapter 4

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"You look beautiful", I said to her.

"Thank you. You clean up pretty nicely", she replied.

I took her hand and kissed her forehead before leading her to the car which I opened her door for her before getting in.

At first the ride was silent before she broke the awkward silence.

"Why'd you do it", she asked.

I was confused but I had an idea what she was talking about.

"Why did I do what", I questioned.

"Why did you cheat on me. We were good together and you said you love me", she said.

I couldn't tell her. Telling her the truth would mean telling her about my life and I couldn't, not now, not ever.

It's the whole reason I cheated on her because I needed her to leave, I knew that she wouldn't so I had to do something that would make her leave.

"It's best if I don't tell you Athena but trust me it's for your own safety, your own good", I said.

I probably sounded ridiculous to her, I mean I was around her, she worked for me that alone made her unsafe so was I being selfish but if she knew about my life it'd be worse.

"How exactly cheating on me is for my own safety, you're not making much sense", she said.

"Look I'm really sorry but that's all you need to know", I said.

"Grayson, what are we? Because I can't do this", she sighed.

She was right. What were we? I did love Athena but it was so long, we just met after five years, she was so different and I was so different but I was still dangerous.

I had to leave Athena alone if I loved her and I really did want to protect her. Every since she left I always prayed she'd come back and she did. I searched for her but I couldn't find her until she showed up in my office.

"Do you even love me, did you even love me", she asked.

"Of course I did Athena, of course I do but I'm dangerous. I'll hurt you, you'll get hurt just by knowing me", I looked at her.

"See here you go again, hiding yourself. Grayson, I don't care how dangerous you are, I don't care what you do, what your job is, your family. I want to be with you, I want the real you, no more hiding", she said looking at me seriously.

I knew I had no choice but to tell her. "I'm in the mafia Athena. I knew I'd do nothing but bring you harm if we were together and the only way you'd leave is if I cheated on you and I did. I couldn't bring myself to do it so that night I got extremely drunk and then I did it. It's why I didn't chase you I was drunk as fuck. The entire time I fucked her all I could picture and think about was you, she didn't even feel right because no one is you Athena so it didn't matter and I only did it so you could leave and be safe", I said truthfully.

She just looked at me blankly. "Say something please Athena", I looked at her.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. You must be under so much stress with this whole mafia shit and I've just made it worse", she stopped looking at me.

"No it's not your fault", I replied.

"I don't care that you're in the mafia Grayson. I still want to be with you and I still love you. Actually I had my suspicions when Giovanni called by accident saying that the drugs were stolen. Either you were in the mafia or you owned a drug empire or a cartel", she said.

"He did tell me how he accidentally told you", I chuckled.

"Yes", she also chuckled.

"But it doesn't matter because I love you", she said.

I leaned over and kissed her passionately. "I love you also", I said.

Well that was it. The secret was out.


Maybe they're moving too fast? Umm well I don't care 😘 !
Anyways, thanks for reading !
Love Virgo, xoxo <3 !

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