Chapter 21

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It had been three months since my birthday trip to the Maldives and since Grayson proposed to me.

Everything had been perfect. Grayson didn't have to deal with my father- Enzo anymore and yeah they were some mess ups here and there but nothing he couldn't handle.

He found it strange that no one tried to come after him since he killed Enzo but I told him not to let it get to him and to continue to do his thing but he never let his guard down. Especially when it came to protecting me and the baby.

I was now nine months pregnant and the baby could be born at any given time. The chances of having the baby was now at 98% and I was pretty positive that we were going to have it.

The last three months everything was great. I was great, so was Grayson, the sex, lol. Everything was perfect.

We did lots of shopping and wedding planning and we even came up with a name for our baby boy. We continued to go to our doctors appointment to make sure everything was okay and the doctor reassured us that everything was okay and we had a healthy baby.

"Hi mi amore, what are you doing", I entered Grayson's office. He looked tensed and stressed.

I walked over to him and hugged him from behind before kissing his neck. "You look stressed, what's wrong", I asked. He instantly relaxed at my touch.

I sat on the table, my legs dangling before he got up and stood in between them. "Everything is fine", he lied. "I know you're lying", I loved that I could see right through him.

"You know me so well", he said honestly. "I can't help but think something isn't right. My dad is on the look out and so are my men but I can't help but think something is wrong, he has brothers and family in the mafia, why has no one came for revenge", he stated.

"It's as if you want them to come after you Grayson, just be happy they haven't", I didn't know much about the mafia but it did seem suspicious but I didn't want him to stress about it.

"See that's the thing. I don't want to let my guard down and then they show up at the most unreasonable time", he said. He did have a point.

"It's okay baby, if they do come you'll be ready whenever the time is. Just like you killed him you'll kill them also", I cupped his face reassuring him that he had this.

"I hate that he was your father, that you had no relationship with him", I started to think off his words before he died.

"I'm sorry Athena, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me someday".

"He was not my father. My father died before I was born", it's what I told myself so I wouldn't go insane.

"We both know that isn't true Athena", he looked serious. "You're right but he wasn't in my life so he's not my dad. I have my mom and I have you, that's all I need", I smiled.

"I love you so fucking much", he claimed my lips. "I love you too", I kissed him back.

Grayson got on his knees and held my belly before whispering to the baby. "I love you too little one", I was more and more in love with this man every second.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna go use the bathroom", I said getting off the table.

He nodded and I walked into the bathroom in his office before shutting the door. I felt a burning pain in my side but I ignored it.

I removed my panty and sat on the toilet unaware of what was happening. I finally looked down to see my panty covered in blood, lots of it. What? That can't be right I'm not supposed to be on my period. The pain came back but I ignored it again but this time it was a sharp pain and I winced.

I took some toilet paper before dabbing myself and then I realized I was bleeding. "Ahhh", I screamed. My belly started to hurt really bad and I was feeling an immense amount of pain in my lower region.

I didn't understand what was happening but I continued to scream and cry in pain. Before I could scream again, the bathroom door was being kicked opened.

"Athena, what's wrong-", he stopped in his tracks. "I-I don't know w-what's happening but I'm b-bleeding and I'm in p-pain", I stammered.

"C'mon, let me help you", he lifted me off the ground. "Mariano tell Giovanni to start the car, I need your help", he placed his phone in his pocket.

In a couple of seconds, Mariano was up the stairs and I continued to cry as my pain got worse. I didn't understand. Was it contractions? It didn't feel like it. I've never been pregnant before so I wouldn't know but the pain I was feeling did not feel like contractions.

Grayson and Mariano took me downstairs and into the car before Giovanni drove off. "Fuck can't you drive any faster, you bastard", Grayson shouted.

"Hey, hey, it's okay", I looked up to him, he kissed my forehead. Soon we made it to the hospital.

All I remembered was being placed in a bed and being connected to different machines before I blacked out.

                       {AUTHOR'S NOTE}

Well, um how do you guys feel about this update? Let me know your thoughts !

Comment and vote please !🥹

Anyways, until next time...Virgo !😉💕

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