Chapter 17

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I hadn't mentioned it but Grayson surprised me with a trip to Maldives for my birthday. I didn't want him to do anything but it was Grayson, of course he did something.

I've always wanted to go to Maldives since I was a child, they had the clearest water ever.

We stayed in an overwater bungalow. Inside of the bungalow, there was glass floor pretty much everywhere and you could see into the ocean.

Outside, there was a pool and a slide that led to the ocean, along with swings. The water was crystal clear, everything I ever imagined and more.


"Grayson sent these for you Athena", Cynthia smiled. In her hand she had a beautiful bouquet of pink and white roses.

I took them from her and read the note that accompanied it. "Hi my love, pack your bags I'm taking you somewhere. It's tropical so pack accordingly and not too much. I love you".

My birthday was officially in a couple of hours and I knew wherever he was taking me, it was going to be considered a birthday trip.

Well I did as he said. I grabbed a small suitcase from my closet and started to pack my clothes, revealing stuff, along with swimsuits and bikinis, loads of them and a beautiful outfit I was keeping for my birthday, just in case I did something.

I had gotten my lashes retouched because they were falling out and I got my gems and stones on my nails placed back on after they fell off so I was ready.

"You're ready", he asked as he entered my room. I nodded. Grayson took my hand along with my suitcases and led me outside to the car.

Not long after, we made it to the airport where his private plane awaited us. Giovanni couldn't make it because his wife was in labor but Mariano was with us the entire time.

I slept through the entire flight and all the way to the resort and when I woke up, I found myself in the most beautiful resort ever.

*end of flashback*

"I'm back my love", Grayson opened the door. "I'm ready", I told him.

I wore a khaki two tone ring front knit bralet and a khaki two tone knit midi skirt from pretty little thing along with a pair of bottega veneta stretch strap sandals and a jacquemus women's Suede 'Le Bambino' clutch and gold jewelry.

My baby bump showed beautifully in my outfit.

"You look beautiful baby", Grayson spun me around. "You don't look too bad yourself", I unbuttoned two of his buttons revealing the tattoo he got of my eyes.

Grayson had recently got my eyes tatted on his chest and it was the cutest thing ever, he said he now felt like he had a piece of me with him everywhere he went.

"Too bad", he raised an eyebrow. "You looked sexy baby", I said seductively. "That's right baby. I could fuck you right now", he groaned.

"Do it", I purred. "Then you'd never eat", he replied. "I wouldn't mind", I said honestly. "Come on", he chuckled taking my hand.

Grayson took me to a beautiful underwater restaurant. We could see the creatures of the sea all around us and it was beautiful, I saw many different types of fish and animal species just swimming all around.

"Here's your breakfast, enjoy", the nice waiter said before walking away.

I had hotdogs, bacon, chocolate-chip pancakes, fried egg and toast and Grayson had waffles but he did have some of my food also. Since I've been pregnant, I've been eating a lot. This little one was really working up a storm but the doctor said that was a good thing as it meant that the baby was healthy and had even more chances of being alive which he now has 86%.

Grayson and I also had orange juice and some tea because I didn't drink coffee, along with some fruit. We had pineapple, watermelon, cantaloupe, plums, kiwi and grapes and bread with cheese and butter.

"This is so good", I said stuffing my face. "It is", he replied. "You two are a beautiful couple and your baby bump is so cute. How far long are you", a nice lady asked.

"Thank you so much. I'm six months as of tomorrow", I replied. "That's wonderful well congrats and I wish you a safe journey", she said.

"She was nice", Grayson stated. "She was", I smiled.

After breakfast, Grayson took us swimming and he was a huge kid in the water. He spent most of the time splashing me and swimming around like a fish or a toddler but it made my heart smile, he was beautiful.

After a long day, I was tired out and I wanted nothing more than to rest so he took me back to the resort to do just that.

He told me he'd let me sleep and that he was going out with Mariano. He told me to be dressed and ready by 5:30p.m as he was taking me out.

He didn't say what to wear but he said to wear something nice and fancy so I thought it was the perfect time to whip out my birthday outfit.

                         {AUTHOR'S NOTE}

Nothing much here, just a short chapter !

Enjoy !❤️

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